I personally hate his voice, but this isnt a hate thread for him. I am just wondering what other people think of his songs and of his voice. I find everything about his songs boring. what do you think of him?
I only have one album of his - Continuum. I love that album actually. Big blues feeling and I'm a blues man. Before that his voice did grate on me a bit. I haven't heard much or any of his stuff after Continuum, but if it's more like blues than his earlier stuff I'm sure I'll get into it eventually.
I don't like his music at all. If he had a good voice, I may possibly be able to listen to it; but his voice is Pierce Brosnan quality, which, according to some source I've forgotten, sounds like a "dying frog". His target audience is women, so his music is way too bland and soft for my tastes. If he changed his voice and his music style, I'd like his music a lot more.
One other thing I can't respect about the man is his taste in women. Jennifer Aniston? Ewwww.
I hate him this thread though is kinda turning into a hate thread.
That's a bit ironic of you to say if you're contributing to the hate thread. It just happens that not many users care for the music of John Mayer, and I agree with those users very much. If there were more female users (or any for that matter) contributing to this thread, it's possible that they could turn this thread around.
I'll say. He "said what he needed to say" in one song almost 100 times. He needs to hire a new writer. If he writes his own songs, he should be playing russian roulette.
I agree with most of the above post. John Mayer is annoying and his lyrics are repetitive. He should be playing russian roulette with all chambers full. As most people in hollywood he is loved for his looks. Image is more important than talent in todays world.
Don't kick the Bieber... lol, jking. He has a couple good songs though. I agree with your analysis though. It is true if disney promotes them they are considered stars.
They would be good if the voice matched the gender, but it just doesn't make sense to have a boy sing songs in such a feminine voice. I know he's prepubescent, but I think he should wait a few years before he starts singing. Unless he ends up sounding like John Mayer. In that case he shouldn't sing at all unless there is nobody within a mile of his house.
They would be good if the voice matched the gender, but it just doesn't make sense to have a boy sing songs in such a feminine voice. I know he's prepubescent, but I think he should wait a few years before he starts singing. Unless he ends up sounding like John Mayer. In that case he shouldn't sing at all unless there is nobody within a mile of his house.
I agree the voice sounds like a 5 year old boy or a girl. The lyrics are good though. Lol at the last part.
The guy has amazing talent as a guitarist on the technical side, but I think he wastes too much of his time on pop sensibilities. I do have to admit, however, that his first three albums are all personal favorites of mine for the most part(though his singles are usually the worst songs on his albums, and are often far below the quality of his other music).
Lyrically, he's okay, but musically the guy really excels. I really like his blend of pop rock and blues, especially on Continuum.
On the matter of his voice, well . . . it's an acquired taste, like Geddy Lee or Anthony Kiedis.