Rightful kidnapping? the situation about hati is debated, but this is about the actions of a group from America, they went to hati and took children from there, some had no parents some did, then smuggled them into USA borders, was this right, is it best for the children, or was this stupidity at it's best, and is it being illegal make it wrong?
This is one of those morality situations. If they were taken care of a degree higher than in Haiti, then that was morally the right thing to do. However, kidnapping and smuggling is definitely illegal. Lawfully wrong, the smugglers could face punishments. The Haitian children? There could be a number of outcomes.
Stupidity done with good intentions is still stupidity. They should have organized an adoption program and got visas, that whould have been ill effective but better then taking a random kid and illiagly brining him to another country...