ForumsWEPRamericas heath care

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what do you think of America and heathcare reform ?

  • 27 Replies
818 posts

I believe that the health care reform is just a fake idea used to create more taxes. They are taking the self employed doctors, dentists, etc. and paying them. This is causing them to lose money, while the average american is "saving" money. The prices will still be the same, yet the doctor, dentist, etc. is losing.

3,437 posts

Well let's look at a global perspective. It's a well known fact that countries who have a universal healthcare program are some of the top countries when it comes to medical service. Frankly I think universal healthcare is a fantastic system (I'm Canadian WOO). America should get on board as well. Let's use an example:

Three years ago my uncle died liver cancer. Had we lived in the states my family and my extended family would be bankrupt because of my uncle's medical bills. Since Canada has a universal healthcare system we were able to receive quality health care for very little.

197 posts

I personally think health care reform is a good thing.

879 posts

The USA NEED a health care reform... If you don't think so watch the movie "Sicko" by Michael Moore
After i watched this movie I was glad that I live in Europe

278 posts

NO short answer because i have posted more than one LONG answer in other threads just like this so to be frank NO NO NO NO!

879 posts

NO short answer because i have posted more than one LONG answer in other threads just like this so to be frank NO NO NO NO!

Did you know that you get better medical help in Cuba than in the USA? Okay, maybe not if you have enough money, but in Cuba everybody gets medical help, for free!
3,224 posts

what do you think of America and heathcare reform ?

I think republicans have no idea what they're doing, and so instead of pointing out actual flaws in the healthcare plan, they make sh*t and TV up. The USA desperately needs its 2 party system back. Enough of the pseudo conservative dems and the neo conservative republicans.

I think adios194's response is a good summing up of the republican approach to the issue: False preconceptions and irrational fears about socialism supported by poorly interpreted or outright false claims, all presented with a hint of doomsday and appeals to a past that never happened.
3,880 posts

The USA desperately needs its 2 party system back. Enough of the pseudo conservative dems and the neo conservative republicans

Since when has the "2 party system" ever solved anything?

Three years ago my uncle died liver cancer. Had we lived in the states my family and my extended family would be bankrupt because of my uncle's medical bills. Since Canada has a universal healthcare system we were able to receive quality health care for very little.

Oh no, your stealing from people who have jobs and work hard all day, while you sit on your fat ass and just get our welfare
3,224 posts

Since when has the "2 party system" ever solved anything?

Labour in Britain after WW2. Introduced the welfare state and UHC. It's not going to solve all social problems, but shifting American politics away from the far right is definitely a step in the right direction.
879 posts

The USA desperately needs its 2 party system back

The two party system sucks! They just try to stop each others motions...

Oh no, your stealing from people who have jobs and work hard all day, while you sit on your fat *** and just get our welfare

And what if you had cancer?? The social healthcare system is great because it gives help to the ones who really need it. You don't have to pay anything at the ER... You don't get bankrupt because you are sick... And all countries who have it (ALL WESTERN COUNTRIES EXCEPT THE USA) are happy with it!
3,437 posts

Oh no, your stealing from people who have jobs and work hard all day, while you sit on your fat *** and just get our welfare

My father makes over 80K a year thank you very much. Also my uncle owns his own steel cutting company. So shut your goddamn mouth you ignorant little pissant.
1,416 posts

The number of insurance companies to deny me because of pre-existing conditions has reached double digets. If the free market is so awesome, why will it take government intervention to stop denial of coverage based on discrimination? Major reform is needed. Millions of people in the US cannot get health insurance because of pre-existing conditions. Millions of others cannot afford insurance. Universal Health Care is needed now!

2,837 posts

I have said it before and I will say it again. 85% of America is insured and we do not need to suffer outrageous increases on taxes and or premiums when Medicaid and Medicare could simply be expanded instead of cut to reach monetary goals. Cutting insurance to provide insurance is ignorant. In addition if you could legally force a business to knowingly take losses upon certain people just to accommodate them you would instantly go out of business and all the people you previously helped would be screwed. Knowingly taking on the business of someone that will cause monetary hemorrhaging simply does not work.

1,416 posts

I have said it before and I will say it again. 85% of America is insured and we do not need to suffer outrageous increases on taxes and or premiums when Medicaid and Medicare could simply be expanded instead of cut to reach monetary goals.

I'm 24 and do not qualify for Medicaid. 60% of people in poverty do not qualify for Medicaid. I have been denied by 11 insurance companies because of pre-existing conditions. The state plan won't even cover me. To get health insurance, I have to literally move to a country with Universal Health Care. How is that fair? It's so easy when you have insurance. Try living in my shoes for a bit.

Cutting insurance to provide insurance is ignorant.


In addition if you could legally force a business to knowingly take losses upon certain people just to accommodate them you would instantly go out of business and all the people you previously helped would be screwed.

It's simply providing a living wage. If a business can't provide its employees with a living wage and benefits, it doesn't deserve to operate.

Knowingly taking on the business of someone that will cause monetary hemorrhaging simply does not work.

Employee insurance is covered by taking money out of the employees salary/wage. It's not going to cost companies a lot of money to provide benefits.

2,837 posts

I'm 24 and do not qualify for Medicaid. 60% of people in poverty do not qualify for Medicaid. I have been denied by 11 insurance companies because of pre-existing conditions. The state plan won't even cover me. To get health insurance, I have to literally move to a country with Universal Health Care. How is that fair? It's so easy when you have insurance. Try living in my shoes for a bit.

As stated that is the reason Medicaid should be expanded.

Cutting insurance to provide insurance is ignorant.

Cutting Medicare to provide federal insurance.

It's simply providing a living wage. If a business can't provide its employees with a living wage and benefits, it doesn't deserve to operate.

I was talking about insurance companies. And yes the people you work for should provide everyone with insurance. However in this society that is not always the case.

Employee insurance is covered by taking money out of the employees salary/wage. It's not going to cost companies a lot of money to provide benefits.

See above.

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