ForumsWEPRamericas heath care

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what do you think of America and heathcare reform ?

  • 27 Replies
3,437 posts

Greed is terrible disease and ideology. Universal Healthcare is for the benefit of all. What is wrong with helping people? When did money begin to rule our lives?

3,817 posts

Greed is terrible disease and ideology. Universal Healthcare is for the benefit of all. What is wrong with helping people? When did money begin to rule our lives?

The day it was invented. I personally don't want to pay for the guy down the streets extreamly expencive problem, it whould be his fault for not having proper health care. Money rules all. Go ahead, try doing somthing without money, I dare you.
879 posts

I personally don't want to pay for the guy down the streets extreamly expencive problem, it whould be his fault for not having proper health care

As far as I know it's nearly impossible for some people to get health insurance in the USA, especially if they don't have enough money...
122 posts

If you think Health Care's expensive now, what til it's "free".

3,437 posts

So what if you're the guy down the street who has cancer and you can't cover the costs? What then? You think it's such a bad system because you're so caught up in your greed. The Germans have one of the top health care systems in the world and they have Universal Healthcare. Think of that. And all you idiots who think this system is so bad, just think: What if one day you don't have the coverage and you get cancer or something like that.

3,817 posts

So what if you're the guy down the street who has cancer and you can't cover the costs? What then? You think it's such a bad system because you're so caught up in your greed. The Germans have one of the top health care systems in the world and they have Universal Healthcare. Think of that. And all you idiots who think this system is so bad, just think: What if one day you don't have the coverage and you get cancer or something like

I will have coverage, and life insurance as a backup. If he can't cover the costs then he should have spent some into healthcare. Why should I pay for everyone else? As I have said nothing is free. Maney people say that watching the sunset is free, but they forget that if they didn't have money they coulden't even had that, they whould have to be working, they whouldn't be able to get to there spot, and they whouldn't have a bench. MOney is everything, and the problem with your argument is that it is based totally on morals, not somthing that should be in law.
5,043 posts

I believe each individual state in America should be responsible for their own health care, rather than it being a national issue. I heard that Hawaii had universal health care and it was doing well, however I also heard that the universal healthcare system for children failed.

If we allow a few states in the US to push universal health care, then we can see how well those states do under such system. If the people are happy with the health care system, then other states may fallow. States that do have a hard time with universal healthcare can toss it aside.

I have not looked too much into the health care matter, but that is my stance on the situation as of right now. I believe this should not be a national issue as much as a localized issue.

1,416 posts

I heard that Hawaii had universal health care and it was doing well, however I also heard that the universal healthcare system for children failed.

That's because Hawaii is poor as hell. It's also near impossible for an individual state to have Universal Health Care not funded by the Federal government. States cannot initiate in international trade, thus they don't have the same GDP power that the federal government has.

1,416 posts

I will have coverage, and life insurance as a backup. If he can't cover the costs then he should have spent some into healthcare. Why should I pay for everyone else?

You are paying for everyone else's healthcare by having private insurance as well.

For example, my brother spends $70 a month on health insurance with BlueCross/BlueShield. He has never gone to the doctor or hospital. He has never taken any prescriptions either. So his $70 a month is going to pay for other operations, pills, and procedures for others with BC/BS insurance. In fact, most people put in more money to the insurance company than they get back (that's called profit). So by having insurance through a private company, you are paying for other people's procedures and for company profits. Even if you like to think it's an individual policy that you own, it's just a Universal System through a private company. Universal Health Care would cut the profit and lower costs. It would collectivize the resource pool for everyone.

1,416 posts

If you think Health Care's expensive now, what til it's "free".

Worst argument ever. The "free" part means there is no out of pocket costs. Everyone knows there will be taxes to pay for health care. Just no out of pocket costs.

879 posts

I will have coverage, and life insurance as a backup. If he can't cover the costs then he should have spent some into healthcare. Why should I pay for everyone else?

--> thelistman alreadey said a good answer, it doesn't matter if it is a private or a universal health care system...

If you think Health Care's expensive now, what til it's "free".

thelistman already said it, you still pay your insurance. And if you think it doesn't work, look at Europe or Canada
3,224 posts

And if you think it doesn't work, look at Europe or Canada

Precisely. It's well documented that UHC is vastly more cost efficient than the US system, which one of the least efficient in the world. In fact, the only reason it has become a political issue is because major manufacturing firms have put weight behind it due to the high costs they have to endure due to the privatised system.
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