Managing a company isn't so strenuous of a work to earn him 300 grand an hour.
Managing could be done cooperatively by the workers and society as well too.
Does this mean people who own small businesses should make less than the people working for them?
Just as a slave owner isn't justified for owning slaves just because he has to do the job of management, a capitalist like Gates doesn't deserve profit off his workers just because he manages them.
Did you just compare business owners with slave owners? With capitalism, you choose who you work for. If you don't like your boss, you can find a new job. Someone will always be in charge. If it's not another regular person, it's the government. Then whoever works for the government profits. Rather than Bill Gates being rich out his bumb, it would be the government.
You somewhat ignored the exploitative part of the manufacturing process.
People who work for Microsoft are payed very well! Those who are being payed the least would be those in an assembly line. Those working in an assembly line are generally high school drop outs or people who are too lazy to work at a real job. But the peopel designing the software are payed very well. I haven't heard anybody working for Microsoft complain.
The labor is done by the workers. The whole of the computers that are built, are done by workers, not Gates. Why does he earn profit from their labor? The only labor he has done is come up with the idea.
Because without Gates, there would be no computers for the workers to build.
Also, its not as if we wouldn't have computers without Gates.
Without Gates, we would have another rich CEO that you would be complaining about. The man behind Apple is also filthy rich.
But most capitalists don't aren't even responsible for any technological advancement. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that people need food, clothes, etc. Much of what is produced is straightforward and simple and capitalists only profit because they were wealthy enough to own the factories, the farms and the machinery.
I dissagree with the first sentence. The rest of the paragraph is true. It's what makes capitalism awesome. People making money instead of the state. Hoorah!
Scientists aren't businessman. They do what they do, without any relation to profit.
Scientists do profit. Trust me. Scientists are funded for their research, and often these scientists will make quite the living. Scientists aren't as competative as those in marketing. Scientists do compete with each other.
All this competition did was to have business owners invest money into scientific research. Does this mean these capitalists are responsible for technological advancements?
Yes, yes it does. This is how marketing works.
But it certainly doesn't justify capitalists being millionaires off the labor of their workers, be it factory workers, janitors, salesman, or scientists.
Remember, the workers are also capitalist. Those who profit off the blue collar workers run a business. Sure, they may not have to work as hard to make more money, but often these people have a much greater responsibility of holding their company together. What's the point of being the boss for a company if your workers are making more money than you?
I know a lot of people who work in machine shops and other dirty, sweaty, hard jobs. These blue collar workers NEVER complain about how much money their bosses are making. They complain when their bosses give family members raises when the family members don't even do their jobs. They complain when the boss makes mistakes that result in people losing their jobs. If the boss has it easy, but the workers are happy, then who cares how much money he is making?
Rather than pay attention to the distribution of wealth, why not pay attention to the actual workers? Why not listen to them complain? Then you will learn what the working class really wants. It's not money, but security from being laid off, or that the raise they deserve doesn't go to someone else just because they are a family member.
Like I said, I think people should be awarded for such advancements, but what does relation does this competition have to the market?
I was giving examples of how your statement is not intirely true. I wasn't listing the effects of competition on marketing.
Watch this documentry on John Nash and you will learn how competitive Mathmaticians can become. The documentry is on focused on Nash's life, rather than his acheivements. Nash suffered from schizophrenia and fell apart later in life.Innovation comes from creative minds of the individual not competition.
Yes, innovation comes from creative minds, but competition often drives these people. Not always, but quite often.
Competition and marking: read what I said about American cars. The reason why American cars became so much better was to compete with with Japan and other foreign cars. When American cars started to pass up foreign cars, foreign car businesses began making their cars better. The result? We have a wide variety of cars to choose from, everything from cheap cars to the most luxurious of cars.
No, competition drives those ideas to be used in the market.
You think competition is slowing down the progresion of technology? Just because ideas are being used in the market doesn't mean they are focused on making money alone. Look at your cell phone. If one company owned them, it would probably be nothing more than a phone with a clock on it. But because we have multipled companies creating phones, we notice that every time one company adds a perk to a phone, another one takes the idea and adds even more perks.
And technological advancements have existed much before capitalist competition anyway.
I never said capitalist competition. Capitalist competition has only been around for as long as capitalism. Competition, however, has always been around. If people weren't weren't competing with other businesses, they were competing to gain good favor from those higher than them.
Marketing has changed drastically over the past 100 years. 100 years ago, what you needed, you would get from the nearest person. Ever since cars were introduced to the public, people began one upping each other. Take a look at the most popular chip companies. They create new flavors not because they can, but because they are trying to grab more profit from competing businesses. This means us consumers have more options to pick from when it comes to choosing a nice snack.