This organization recently visited my school, and I was wondering how many people on AG had heard it and your opinions on it. Will it work or is it a futile attempt to make kids 'lay nice'?
Thanks Kyouzou, I was like NNC and hadn't heard of it.
Now, in answer to your question and as a parent of a teen, the more we as a society talk to the quiet and withdrawn kids instead of shunning them, the more often they're invited to participate in all activites the less likely these events will occur.
I don't think we'll ever live in a totally peaceful world but I think the more we talk to each other instead of at each other the better off we'll be.
what is it trying to teach? don't shoot people at school because it will make people sad?
Lol no, the challenge nice to someone else and apparently that will start a chain reaction of niceness and the whole world will be nice to each other -_-
There seems to be some fundamental flaws with this (mostly with human nature) that see to have been over looked just because she was a victim of a shooting.
Ok so I've seen one supporter and about six naysayers, Drace the objective of this is not to make Rachel a saint or anything, nor have they asked for money at our school they talked about it and started a FOR club which is about it. I myself agree with it, simply because being nice wouldn't hurt anybody, being an asshole 24/7 isn't exactly something to strive for.
No but Im sure the school payed the organization for the presentation.
I mean really, its a stupid issue to bring up. There are MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH issues that don't get enough attention...but a school shooting from 10 years ago does...
Why the hell do I care about a psycho kid who came in and shot a couple of kids ten years ago? That's like Virgina Tech shooting six years ago, and yet there is no programs for it now.
I had this program come to my school once, and to be honest, when the Christian faith that marked her life is stripped from the story, it comes across as incredibly hollow and preachy.
Lol no, the challenge nice to someone else and apparently that will start a chain reaction of niceness and the whole world will be nice to each other -_-
I laughed out loud.
The whole chain reaction thing will not work. You can be nice to anyone, but there is no guarantee that they will return the kindness. Sure, you'll end up being the bigger man/woman, but in the end, the kindness did not come flowing back.
I say don't be a prick to others, if no one is being a prick to you. Keep your business to yourself unless provoked, otherwise.
The group uses Rachel's values, her story is just some background to the group, The same thing could've been done with VT its just that no one bothered to. The objective isn't to glorify her, its to promote the values that she held dear, thats the goal here Be Nice to Others