this is my look at the bible, the bible was written about 60 years after Jesus did his job witch was to die for our sins, he had no other job but that. the people who wrote it supposedly where told by god what to write, i'm not disproving this but personally question this to some extent, i think that the bible serves the purpose of being guidelines to Christianity and the stories to be lessons, i do believe some stories where true, to what extent i will never know. My question to you CHRISTIANS out there is how do you look at the bible, do you follow it to the every period, look at it as i do, or only look at it for it's ten commandments?
i follow it too more of a ...moral..code? i guess im not a very religious person but i try to follow the 10 commandments and do unto others as you would be treated
No i fallow every thing in the new testament (every thing from Matthew back) this is the period of Jesus and his laws everything in the old testament are lessons TRUE stories that teach lessons.
I think it's a work of fiction. There are elements of true things here and there but I can say this for most works of fiction really, o that doesn't make it any less fictional. There are good moral values but it's so bogged down with contradictions and a person has to sift so heavily for those morals it's really not good for use as a moral guide. Even just going by the ten commandments some of them seem, unnecessary.
Jesus restated his own 11 commandments or laws really it was 10 with one just reworded. I can't remember off the top of my head where in the Bible they were.
The Bible has both fact and fiction in its pages, however years of censorship by the church, translation and politics have mixed the two to a degree where they are impossible to tell apart. From what I have heard of him, Jesus' message was simple, be nice to each other, leave each other alone. From what I have seen and heard of the modern church, he would not be pleased with what is done in his name.
If people said that they didn't follow any principles of the Bible, they'd be lying right now.
I'll admit; the Bible had many principles set in motion for people to agree on "lest they incur the wrath of God Himself". It would have to take fear beyond what the extent of the law can do, which would be an eternal life in Hell. It would also have to take a lot of people that congregated for the morals to have any sort of influence. I don't agree with what the Church did to influence others though; they went to some pretty extreme measures.