ForumsWEPRUFO: Unidentified Flying Object or Unreal Fake Obscenity?

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78 posts

Now, please don't expect me to give some huge speech because I won't. I just wanted to ask everyone else if they've seen a UFO, think they've seen a UFO, or just don't believe in UFOs. I've seen one before, a purple, green, orange, yellow craft that had the body of an airplane but was glowing those colors above. It slowed before me, I couldn't move, then it left, but I had about a two second gap in my memory. I asked my neighors, they described the same thing, so I'm starting to get real suspicious... So just tell me about a time you saw one or how retarded I am for believing in these strange lights in the sky.

  • 30 Replies
78 posts

Stealth is not always like a rouge sniper camouflaged in the woods, there is such a thing as hiding in plane sight.
lol nice one

2 posts

I Actually do believe in this Crap O.O

There few people in my school ,who are so ugly ,that i even think theyr aliens....

but i actually do believe in UFO's its just creeping me out...

684 posts

we are 4.2 light years from our nearest other star, so the theory of aliens being outside our solar system is pretty hard to grasp... if anything, ufos are government planes kept secret by saying they were ufos, people who report them are high and the pretty colors are the lights of the plane, or they actually exsist. ideal life is water, a nice temp, bla bla bla, but what about addaption? life can probably life and be created in -300 degree F or C but the inhabitats couldnt really get anywhere warm :P

684 posts

[quote]gurrellia tactics are highly effective against advanced forces

It all depends how advanced the forces are.
Trenches worked well, until the tank came along.[/quote]

lol then the tank came along and then the germans had to think fast and copy the enemy :P
197 posts

I know this is irrelevant, but why do we always think the 'aliens' will be more advanced than us?
But I guess to visit our planet they'd have to be more advanced...

54 posts

I believe in UFO's. On the History Channel, they had a documentary not to long ago about audio tapes detailing events that may have had UFO's present. But it is really unknown for sure if we have been visited by aliens.

I honestly believe we have been visit by aliens from even the very beginning of civilization. And again the history channel lead me to believe this. The name of the documentary was "Ancient Astronauts." (I think) It went into detail about the possible clues in various ancient civilizations that may be evidence that we have encounter aliens in the past.

4,220 posts

Most so called 'UFOs' are actually government aircraft. Some are just that, but we don't know.

I've seen some pretty weird stuff, only to come to find out it's the government launching their hypersonic UAVs. It creeped me out for years.

909 posts

How long ago did you see 'it'?
About 6 wks ago, I was in the back yard, well after dark. I see a single beam of white light and I first thought it was just a jet.

All at once it starts descending very rapidly, my brain was screaming at me to go inside the house. I was at the back door but I froze in place like the deer in the headlights, instead, bracing for an explosion...nothing.
If this was a jet the flight path was all wrong and there wasn't any sound, no blinking lights, just one steady white ball of light.
The next morning I heard on the news that satellite debris was reported falling in the Atlantic off of the NC coast.
How could I see that from about 280 miles away? This debris must have been huge because it was the size of a small chicken egg.

1,714 posts

UFOs can't be fake, the explanations can though. All a UFO is is an unknown object flying through the sky, it could be anything. I think saying it is an alien ship is a little much, but for all I know there are aliens flying around Earth.

374 posts

Okay lets put this into a list.

If UFO's are true that means:
- If Aliens are in the UFO's that means they do exists, and that they are more advanced than us because they have to travel a huge distance in order to reach us.
- Myserious history events will be explained. Such as the astronaut in the Peru Markings thingy. And maybe the Stone henge. And also the incident with Neil Armstrong and the deleted messages.

If they're not true it could mean:
- They are government made and are secret vehicles or new aircraft intended for secret purposes.
- People are faking the vids and pics to cause suspicion and speculation.
- Aliens may exist but have not travelled to our world yet.

622 posts

UFO's* are a frequent sight here. I've seen many of them huddled together admiring the view of Earth's flora.

*Unusually Freaked Otter

On a more serious note, there have been so many investigations and UFO sightings that they sound almost like surreal fantasy objects. Generally, flickering lights in space or the night-sky turn out to be merely warning lights on planes or weather balloons; the latter being more common.

Although I can't blatantly iterate that UFO's don't "exist" but no evidence has been found credible enough to prove their presence. However, if relevant sources were found I reckon the governments would be quick enough to cover up the trails and incidents by passing them off as an experiment.

I doubt aliens would bother invading us, what'd be in it for them unless they like a hunt.

Resources? Fertilisers (War of the Worlds)? Revival or rejuvenation of their species (Quake 2 and Quake 4)? There are innumerable reasons. However, if they are technologically superior then they must be intellectually superior to us as well, which implies that probably, their first objective would be to make peace with us.

But you can't travel faster than light.

There are hypothetical particles called Tachyons that are thought to travel faster than light. If I remember correctly, a group of German scientists had conducted an experiment related to this and the data collected seemed to indicate the presence of Tachyons.
31 posts

i believe aleins are real because it would be no point of having the universe so big...

1,514 posts

I believe that there are other life forms, because of the sheer enormity of the universe. However, I don't quite believe that there are UFO's. I don't think the other life forms are more advanced than us.


4,871 posts

I think UFO's are just demonic activity.

They always seem to attract the attention of the people who are looking for them and aren't Christian. Also there's a bible verse about it somewhere.

1,207 posts

[quote=justaroundthecorner]1)How can you explain the gap in my memory and how I couldn't move?[/quote]

Wajor will happily answer:

[quote=Wajor59]All at once it starts descending very rapidly, my brain was screaming at me to go inside the house. I was at the back door but I froze in place like the deer in the headlights[/quote]

You might have been paralysed due to awe, excitement, fear whatever. It could have been anticipation that kept you from moving, the unwillingness to move due to fright or even never attempting to move. I'll be honest here: I doubt aliens or the government or whomever was manning the craft came down to simply zap you with their paralysis device.

And the gap in your memory? Can't really explain that. Maybe trauma or fright?

2)That thing stuck out like a sore thumb. Trust me, it could NOT have been a "stealth" craft.

*cough* Yet only you and a mate saw it. *cough*

- Myserious history events will be explained. Such as the astronaut in the Peru Markings thingy. And maybe the Stone henge. And also the incident with Neil Armstrong and the deleted messages.

As far as I was concerned the Nazca Lines (the marking in Peru) were made by the Nazca for ritual purposes, namely for marking religious events. You could argue that they drew an astronaut but according to me he looks like a robed man.

Stone Henge has been carbon dated and there are theories that it was a sundial, a hospital for the wounded or just a landmark. I don't believe that these things were impossible to build. In the modern world people explore architecture and stretch our constructive abilities to the limit to make stunning sculptures and wonders - take for example some of the structures in Dubai - the Burj Khalifa which is over 800 metres tall and the artificial islands being constructed just off the Dubaian coastline. I wouldn't be surprised that back then Man's nature was similar to our current one and they were enthusiastic to explore and adventure and worked hard to engineer structures like Stone Henge.

And the deleted messages of Neil Armstrong? What's that? Explain! :S

i believe aleins are real because it would be no point of having the universe so big...

Inanimate objects don't understand &quotoint". If I were to find a piece of metal that randomly expanded when making contact with oxygen and I built a table using it and it continued to expand it would not simply stop expanding because all I needed to do was to place a glass on it.
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