ForumsWEPRExorcism! Demons or just nut cases

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210 posts

I just wanted to know what the AG community thinks about this. Is an exorcism a spirtial battle, or just a person that fliped?

Lets see what the "exorcism professionals" have to say.

Ya smite that demon! I guess when he fails the person goes to the carzy house.

Here is another &quotrofessional"

The guy just looks sad. I guess that water must have been too hot.

So do you think you can be taken over by a demon?

  • 13 Replies
85 posts

I think their just nut cases. They just have some sort of psychotic disorder. No thing such as demons.

3,826 posts

I think their just nut cases. They just have some sort of psychotic disorder. No thing such as demons.

Maybe in some cases there is a legitimate psychotic disorder, but I would argue that in most cases it is pressures of a specific society and an innate need for attention that drives people to act possessed.
Think about these revelation churches where someone is in front of the room while everyone in the congregation is praying for them. Meanwhile, they get to act sick and are soaking up all this attention. From there, I think it's easy to see the motivation for some other member of the congregation to also pretend to be possessed.
I really believe this to be a clear case where a particular religion is hurting, rather than helping, people. By allowing people to act crazy in order to get attention, these churches are essentially exacerbating what could be a personality or social disorder. Or even creating a disorder in an otherwise healthy individual.
28 posts

I believe they are real Ive seen sprites and I am a christian so i can really say they are real take it or leave it.

3,826 posts

I believe they are real Ive seen sprites and I am a christian so i can really say they are real take it or leave it.

And this is about as good an argument as one could give in favor of demons. This guy saw a sprite (spirit?) and he's Christian so they're real.

But seriously. If someone wants to be delusional by themselves, that's fine. But it's irresponsible of the church to exacerbate the problem. Faith healings, exorcisms, divine providence - all of these things should be stopped. People should be embarrassed to act like a crazy person in public, not praised for it.
28 posts

Hahahaha [/quote]But seriously. If someone wants to be delusional by themselves, that's fine. But it's irresponsible of the church to exacerbate the problem. Faith healings, exorcisms, divine providence - all of these things should be stopped. People should be embarrassed to act like a crazy person in public, not praised for it.[quote] wow ok I really don't know what to say to that. haha....

9,462 posts

but I would argue that in most cases it is pressures of a specific society and an innate need for attention that drives people to act possessed.

I would say there is a psychosomatic response happening in many cases. The person is told there are really demons and then they are told they are possess by demons so they act accordingly. You could say it's a a form of hypnosis being the power of suggestion.
1,633 posts

I believe they are real Ive seen sprites

So have I. I play video games And I see sprites all the time.
1,707 posts

I think their just nut cases. They just have some sort of psychotic disorder.

Enough said.
1,101 posts

Yes and i am a catholic too... But ive never seen sprites before. Not sure what kinda drugs you've been smokin.... I mean cmon, demons possessing humans??? Most cases are ppl with MPD or extreme schizophrenia... Basically tthis is where the catholic church has gone wonky with the whole exorcism thing... I mean i believe demons and angels exist... But this exorcism crap, is basially just another form of the Church trying to prove catholicism. i kinda hate it to be honest...

386 posts

I'm not going to throw my own personal beliefs about demons in such in here other than I believe that demons and the such do exist, but they couldn't possess your body. The way I see it, If a spirit is real, and more than one spirit can inhabit a body, why does it only happen to a few people? If you really think about it, and consider spirits to exist, possession makes no sense.

468 posts

The thing about demons is, Satan works in a very srange way. He does NOT sit around and say, I want to ruin his/her day. Go possese them. He strategically picks out victims so that the Holy Lord has to stress to get the demon(s) out of him through a highly spiritual force called an exorsism, which usually involves a preist reading the Lord's Prayer and trying to cast the demon out. The demon in the person can call upon a seemingly unlimited amount of other demonic beings to try and posses the body further. If succesful, the person will end up practicing Satanic Worship, which is the ultimate goal of the Devil. If somebody who does not have the power challenges or intervenes with the demon, he can be possesed, or VERY strange thing can happen. Such as when a car with a person who had a live person in it whopo claimed he saw something with the likings of that of a minotaur pointing at a tree and the car immediatle rammed into the tree. This was because the man challenged the demon.

684 posts

lol in the first link, did u see her? if u cut ur hair like that ur probably crazy

9,462 posts

The thing about demons is, Satan works in a very srange way. He does NOT sit around and say, I want to ruin his/her day. Go possese them. He strategically picks out victims so that the Holy Lord has to stress to get the demon(s) out of him

If the Satan's ultimate goal is to sway as many as possible away from God the best method would be to just appear to everyone around the world and try and show he isn't all that bad of a guy. He could then publicly throw dirt in God direction (not hard considering how much dirt there is to throw).
The reason I have heard from many of you is the only reason God doesn't show his face to us is because of some twisted view of not wanting to mess with free will out of love. If there was a devil he would clearly not hold such a vise, so why doesn't Satan just show his face and prove he's real?
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