Don't want to sound rude or come off as a jerk, but there are already multiple threads related to Doomsday or 2012, or the end of the world in general.
Besides, all caps will not get the thread any attention. I just happened to notice it was new.
Anyway, it'll happen when it happens, and if we leave all the religious 'facts' behind, it'll happen when we humans absorb all the resources to sustain life from this rock. Ending all live as we know it.
It's quite obvious that the apocalypse is going to be in 2 billion years
As for the reproduction of this thread, as long as no one has replied to said original longer than a month, it's fair game to make a new one unless you actually find it. I'm on page 7 and haven't found an actual discussion of the apocalypse, besides the one debunking it.
Actually, this thread is better, since it is open for discussion of ALL theories of global termination. I would keep this one.