ForumsWEPRWorld War 3

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150 posts

well i think it might come down to this. My opinion how this thing will start. The stock market will fall. NAmerica will get the first effect. Then every nation will get hit. Everyone will freak out and point fingers. Everyone gets really defensive and we start the war to end all wars. Idk. It's just something that has slipped my mind. Anyone else have ideas about it?(don't take this in the wrong way please.)

  • 25 Replies
3,880 posts

I personally see the current "war on terror" as WW3. Most of the world is involved. I'm not sure why people think WW3 needs nukes and billions dead to be called part 3.

The war in Middle East isn't a major conflict. Sure there are several countries involved but certainly not what we would call a World War.

Going by such standards, WW2 would be the Russian Civil War, in which about 14 foreign countries including the US, Japan, Germany, France, UK, etc fought against the Red Army
355 posts

Ummmm. i dont think that is feasable if you piece together the informtion.

1,416 posts

The war in Middle East isn't a major conflict. Sure there are several countries involved but certainly not what we would call a World War.

Going by such standards, WW2 would be the Russian Civil War, in which about 14 foreign countries including the US, Japan, Germany, France, UK, etc fought against the Red Army

It's not a major conflict like the previous World War's, but that still doesn't mean it isn't a global war.

It's really hard to determine how to qualify a war as a "World War." The Cold War was arguably a World War. The ideological struggle involved almost all nations, and brought war, civil war, and oppression to most third world countries. The Israel-Arab conflict could also be considered a World War, as most nations have taken sides, supplied arms, or even fought in the series of wars.

3,224 posts

I personally see the current "war on terror" as WW3. Most of the world is involved. I'm not sure why people think WW3 needs nukes and billions dead to be called part 3.

I didn't know you could declare war on an abstract noun.

I don't think the Cold War could be called a world war either, because it was cold. No shots were fired. Ideological clashes occur independently from theatres of conflict daily. It just seems a pretty vague way to define a war.

Going by such standards, WW2 would be the Russian Civil War, in which about 14 foreign countries including the US, Japan, Germany, France, UK, etc fought against the Red Army

I think the Russian Civil War could be seen as an extension for WW1. All the nations you listed who fought for the Whites were doing so, because they wanted Russia's continual participation in WW1.
1,707 posts

What are you guys talking about the world will end before WWIII starts, it's called... 2012...

No JK it'll start with a like Napolean, or those Chinese warlords like Khangis Chan, Hannibal ect... Who'll be unbelievably smart when it comes to politics and war strategy. He'll start annexing countries and eventually war will start that'll eventually get just about every country involved. Like what happened in WWI and WWII.

150 posts

lol. Well, I think because many nations are part of the UN, they will be the refs of this war. The war will be the most brutal yet. I believe most of the 13-18 years olds that live in the US now will go to war.....

3,437 posts

PanzerTank Ghengis Khan was Mongolian and Hanibal was a terrible politician. The family Scipio Afrikanus (the Roman general who defeated Hanibal) paid a historian a great deal of money to make Hanibal more than he was in order to bring more glory to Scipio's victory.

1,532 posts

I believe most of the 13-18 years olds that live in the US now will go to war.....

Dam just send me out now. I'd rather shoot a gun than read a book
1,707 posts

PanzerTank Ghengis Khan was Mongolian and Hanibal was a terrible politician

I figure anyone who can get a massive army to follow him has to be somewhat good don't you? And I never said he was I meant that the person who starts WWIII will be unbelievably smart in politics and strategy.

The family Scipio Afrikanus (the Roman general who defeated Hanibal) paid a historian a great deal of money to make Hanibal more than he was in order to bring more glory to Scipio's victory.

I know who defeated Hanibal I've read alot of books on him btw.

Also I don't believe a word of that except for the part where Scipio beat Hanibal. Wheres your proof I ask you? Also alot of historians has studied Hanibal don't you think one of them would've discovered the bribe?
1,707 posts

I figure anyone who can get a massive army to follow him has to be somewhat good don't you?

Sorry I meant: I figure anyone who can get a massive army to follow him to be a somewhat good politician.
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