ForumsThe TavernHow To Be A Bum: An Informative Guide

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Now, before I start, I'd like to clarify what I mean by "Bum". No, I am not referring to a human posterior, and if you opened this thread in hopes of learning how to transform your body into a pair of finely sculpted buns I will kindly ask you to leave and take your creepy fetish with you. Next off, I am not referring to a crazy homeless guy who yells at you about his 17 cats before you throw him a few dimes out of pity which he more than likely then attempts to snort out of desperation. No, what I'm talking about is turning you into that one kid who always asks you for some of your lunch, or if you'll pay his bus fare. Well actually, I won't tell you how to be that kid, because everyone hates him and he's a douche. I'll show you how to go about achieving the same thing as him, with none of the negative feedback. Now, without further ado...

How To Be A Bum: An Informative Guide
By: Tony Alesalt

First of all, never bring anything with you. This pertains mostly to food and money (the two main things you're going to want to bum). If anyone sees you paying for something, or eating the lunch you brought they're not going to share, they have no reason to. They need to feel somewhat sorry for you, and feel like they're better for you. You want them to feel like they're helping you out. Make them feel good about you stealing their s*it.

Now that you've got nothing on you, you're ready to get started. The first thing you're going to want to do is, nothing. You can't just ask people for handouts, while it will work on occasion, it just annoys most people and they won't want you give you anything. Just don't mention it. Eventually people will begin to notice. You know your one friend who always gets a huge lunch? Well, he rarely finishes it, and he'll probably offer you little bits and pieces he doesn't particularity want. Which brings me to my next point.

Don't be a fussy little b*tch. The only thing people hate more than people begging for food is when that guy doesn't want what they have to offer. Someone offers you something you take it and be gracious.

Another great way to get food is to go out for lunch with people. Go along, don't be a downer, and get everyone in a good mood. Wait in line with them but when you guys get to the front of the line just step aside and let them order. You will almost always get asked "Aren't you getting anything?". Simply respond that you have no money, but you don't mind staying with them. They will usually get you either 1. a meal 2. something small (a side of a drink) or at least 3. share their meal with you. Another thing you can use to your benefit is the people who don't have any friends who want to go to lunch with them. If they ask you to go for lunch with them, tell them you would, but you have no money. They'll sometimes offer to get you something if you go along with them. Keep in mind with works best with just friends from school, those who you rarely see outside of class. If you're with good friends just go along, you'll probably end up getting something anyways. That method of "I would but..." also works great for other situations (bus fare, tickets, gym pass, etc.)

Now, with a little luck and a good bit of charisma you never have to pay for your own food/small or make your own lunch again. Sure there's a few days that you'll go without food, but you can tough it out 'til you get home, people have suffered worse. Now, this won't happen overnight, but if you can manage to get things rolling you rarely ever need to spend your own money giving you a chance to stockpile at home. And if the need arises that you DO need something that someone wouldn't regularly buy you, promise them you'll pay them back. Then the next day, BRING THEM THE MONEY. If you don't they'll never get you anything. Though if a weekend passes and you don't see them you can sometimes get away with them forgetting, but that's extremely situational. Anyways, get out there be the best little Jews you can be.

  • 32 Replies
417 posts

a little off topic. I went dumpster diving at a bakery today. The dumpster was almost completely filled with bread, and they're all in plastic bags, so it's not all gross and stuff.

4,206 posts

Anyways, get out there be the best little Jews you can be.

lolwut! xD

And i laughed through the whole first paragraph. But i does remember me of some idiot in my school that ask for food/money every-time, and he does it on purpose. Anyways nice guide, but if u abuse the techniques u showed (on the same person) they will get suspicious and it won't work anymore.
4,375 posts

only really stupid wer skate shoes losely. You can't even skate in them lose....

Is It bad, that Ialready do half of this? Aside from like not buying my own toiletries, but the rest, o yea. Every time I go out with frineds, I "forget" my wallet.

1,026 posts

Every time I go out with frineds, I "forget" my wallet.

And you can bet, they're making fun of you behind your back.
1,671 posts

Sometimes I do this at lunch. People will say "Arn't you going to get any lunch?" and I'll say "No", then they'll give me their chips or something. Then I'll stay an extray lunch period and buy my own lunch.

417 posts

And you can bet, they're making fun of you behind your back.

Why would people make fun of you forgetting your wallet?
27 posts

Then I'll stay an extray lunch period and buy my own lunch.

That totally defeats the purpose.
4,375 posts

And you can bet, they're making fun of you behind your back.

No, they call me a "****er" to my face, and all pitch in and buy me food.
9,504 posts

First from Asians and Russians, now homeless. Please tell me you are not serious about this entire thing...because this exact attitude is exactly why your first thread was locked.

13,344 posts

First from Asians and Russians, now homeless.

This was actually the first one, and probably the least offensive as well.
417 posts

First from Asians and Russians, now homeless. Please tell me you are not serious about this entire thing...because this exact attitude is exactly why your first thread was locked.

look at the dates... This is his first, and it has recieved moderator approval, so I think it's all right. Also, although riddled with a little bit of off color humour, I'm sure that he is very serious about the message behind all his guides.
27 posts

First from Asians and Russians, now homeless. Please tell me you are not serious about this entire thing...because this exact attitude is exactly why your first thread was locked.

I realize most of this has been said, but I'd like to say it myself anyways. First of all, this is the first guide I wrote, and in my opinion, my best work so far. Next off, if you took the time to read the OP you would know that this is not about the homeless, but about how to survive on a very tight budget. I am most definitely serious about this, seeing as it is how I lead my everyday life. Also, Zophia already commented on this thread and from what I can tell, had no intentions of having it locked. Now as for the Asian guide, it IS true, even in its vast use of generalizations. And the Russian one, well, if you took that seriously I just wasted my time typing up this entire retort.
1,026 posts

They not will make fun of you because you forgot your wallet, they do because you do it every time!

4,013 posts

How come its so short?
Theres more you can do then that to become one.

417 posts

[quote]How come its so short?
Theres more you can do then that to become one.

Part 2 is on the second page. I'm sure he's gonna come out with more installments.

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