Welcome to the new Draw that Pokemon!
The old thread was getting quite long, and burdened by Estel decided to make it MS Paint only. We eventually made it all art programs, however it then made the title verrrryyy lonnngggg.
So, this is the brand new fresh clean wiped clear thread, with some ubertastic new rules (basically same as last time)!
The pictures must be somehow related to the theme, which is a Pokemon, and must conist mainly of that one. Other pokemon can be included, however it will be the theme pokemon that will be judged.
The pictures must be appropriate, so no Pokefurryness or I herd yu liek mudkipz graphic references.
The prize at the end of each round will be to pick the theme of the next round. There will be no merit prize unless otherwise stated.
Any art program may be used.
Lineart is accepted, as long as it is clearly different to the original drawing. It may be helpful to link to the reference image. However, on this note, entries that are more original and different to the common poses may be likely to do better at judging. BE ORIGINAL!
Please do not copy the drawings of anyone else, as this is plaugerism and is ILLEGAL! If you do so you will be immediately disqualified and futher action may be taken by the Mods. However, if you believe that a picture is copied, please do not make a fuss of it in the thread - instead post a comment on either my profile, Cenere's or Zophia's (as they are the two moderators who frequent this contest most).
Please do not bug the judge about when the judging will be, as this is extremely annoying - and it will turn up eventually, but you must remember that judges do have lives...
If the winner of the previous contest does not post a new theme within FOUR days, then a new one will be chosen by the judge.
Already Used Pokemon:
This is a list of all the pokemon which have been used in this contest before.
Personally, I blame timezones...although really I should be able to judge this more than once a month...sincere apologies...
I think that if things get worse on my end (Which they might) we might have to start thinking about another judge...I mean, it's only been what - about 2 years of me judging it...
Champion's Exhibit - FallenSky
You told us it would be here by Monday - back in February...heh...
First Place - (obviously) Cenere
If you actually CLICK this thing, you can see how simply amazing this is (honestly at first I thought that that was your entry). FallenSky asked for prettiful, and we've defintely got that.
I am loving the brush strokes of the hair (it is hair right?) and the shading on the tail which gives it perspective.
Great job Cen...have a picksies.
Second Place - SheWhoMustNotBeNamed
Am also loving this entry. The tail is nicely detailed and I like the fins on the end.
There is nothing wrong with your background, although I'm not entirely sure what it is - it still looks good.
Shady Jim Award - KingLemon
Nice work on this one, it is good to see some traditional art amongst all of the computer generated stuffs.
This Milotic looks rather majestic, ruling over his/her underwater domain. Nice fishies too...
Teenage Angst Award - Silvermoon123
Your Milotic looks like it has attitude. Serious attitude! You've done a good job, I am liking the simplicity of the mouth.
Yeah. Sorry about the delay...but let's get this moving again (hopefully).
If we get a theme soonish (it's Cen, so we should) - then I'll do the judging on the 2nd or 3rd of April.
Sorry to the people who don't like the 5th gen, but I am so taking the opportunity to dish out a few of the better looking ones, which includes "Sandile" (never said I liked the name):
Look at 'im. Smiling at you, staring into your soul...
K I said I would be the first submitting, here it is! I'm back in business. This was a bit lazy, but I have no good ideas for this thing. I just drew a alligator and coloured it like so. Check out this >>
20 minute drawing, rushed the tail because the class was about to end. For all I care; it's not even the right theme anymore . I'll submit for the sandile theme in time though...But seriously Cen? Sandile? He looks like a caracter straight out of a crappy Walt disney cartoon. Then again, I never liked any ground pokemon, except for some rare compound-typed.
But seriously Cen? Sandile? He looks like a caracter straight out of a crappy Walt disney cartoon.
Two things on this: He looks better than the majority of the new pokemon. And kinda cute. And I like the concept of the sunglasses. And I doubt crappy Disney cartoons would have some cool guy like him, though the new "Stitch!"-cartoon fits the style a bit due to the... anime... thing... they thought was a "good idea". Let's just say I kinda like him simply because he's a happeh leetle fella, and not stop you from making parody-art or something, like I did back in the days when the fourth gen was new.
On another note, that was how I did crocodiles when I was younger, so it might as well be that.
Yeah, I guess you have your arguments, but then again, these are the points that precisely make me want to kick him in between his big round goggle-like eyes. I just can't stand his stupid expression. I think that actually, the sunglasses work pretty well to convey that dumbness in the look I'm not fond off. Oh well, tastes are in the nature right, and I'll always be respecting you for liking victreebel Cen/Strop. ( I use both now so I'm sure not to make another mistake )
He looks better than the majority of the new pokemon
Some suggestions, tell me what you think of them. -Mienshao -Braviary -Volcarona -Eelektross -Scolipede (Perhaps one of my all time favorite) -Serperior -Zebstrika
Seriously, while there are horrible pokemons out there, I think we have a good share of nice looking and fun to use new pokemons.