Post and discuss the best songs you can think of. Not just good or great songs - songs that you think would make album of the year if released as singles. Also, discuss them so this thread isn't locked . . . .
My choices would be Hey Nineteen and Deacon Blues by Steely Dan, because of their phenomenal engineering. Each one is so exact as to approach perfection, and the unique mix of jazz/funk and jazz/rock, respectively, give them a unique and infectious flavor.
My other one would be South side of the Sky by Yes. It's so mystical and so complex, I could listen to it for hours and not get tired of it. The different phrases and melodies are enchanting.
One of the songs I would like to put up is "Cecilia" by Simon and Garfunkel, it was the first S&G tune I ever heard, at a very young age, and to this day it remains one of my favourite songs of all time, I can't guarantee it would go to #1 in today's market, but it damn well could! Another song that doesn't get as much recognition as it should, as it is a perfect example of a great pop song, is "Too Bad" by Doug & the Slugs.
This is REAL pop, not that Lady Gaga and Justin Beiber BULL-$h17
Lolol. FIreflies is annoying. I'd also like to nominate Squirmby the Dave Matthews Band. It's so precise, and its atmosphere is so acute. Also gotta love the intertwining instrumentals - it makes this a godly song.
Rebel Rebel by Dead or Alive. Yes, I know it's David Bowie's song, and while I'm fully aware that his version is awesome, Dead or Alive's version just.....blows my mind.
"Bigmouth Strikes Again" by The Smiths, this song has everything. From Morrisey's unique vocals and darkly humorous lyrics, to Johnny Marr's, and the rest of the band's, playing, I love absolutely every second of it.