What is the point in proving god to not exist? What makes it worth while to sit and flip out on people, the goverment, schools, kids, parents.....that they are wrong, and science is wrong?
You cannot prove that God doesn't exist. You cannot prove a negative. However we can say that there is no evidence, which there isn't, and as such an assertion that God DOES exist is fallacious and illogical.
The purpose of illustrating this point is to remove the influence of religion from laws and government. When people are making decisions based on their belief in the supernatural they invariably ignore the facts, and institute laws based on their personal beliefs which are detrimental and/or discriminatory toward those who do not share their beliefs. This is tantamount to religious discrimination.
But Have any of you heard of Pascals wager?
Yes, I'm quite familiar with Pascal's wager, and it isn't about morals at all, as you claim. He simply states that if you live life as if there were a God then if there is you are safe, and if you live as if there isn't, and there is, then you are basically screwed. He's arguing from a point of 'better safe than sorry'. That's all.
And since you want to point out morals, let's look at some 'moral' statistics.
~83% of inmates in the US are Christian
~0.4% of inmates in the US are atheists
~69% of abortions in the US are for Christian women
~24% of abortions in the US are for non-religious women
~34% of Non-denominational Christians have been divorced
~29% of Baptists have been divorced
~25% of Protestants have been divorced
~24% of Mormons have been divorced
~21% of Catholics have been divorced
~21% of non-religious/atheists have been divorced
Looks like Christians show no more personal morals than anyone else, and in many cases are in fact less moral, even by their own standards, than those who are not religious/atheist.
I'm sick of people claiming that 'religion gives you morals'. That's just a bunch of bullcrap. Religion
promotes moral behavior, but it does not show in any way that those who are religious are more moral than those who are not, and in fact many are less moral in many areas.
Let me ask this: Why does religion demand that you be moral, when all you have to do is telepathically ask God to forgive you and everything is better? It doesn't, it provides people an easy way out when they do something bad.
I would like you to go read the ten commandments, and the other moral wrongs in the bible. How are ANY of them bad?
Are we looking at the
original 10 Commandments, or the revised version? With the revised version I wouldn't say any of them are 'bad' commandments, but they do seem a bit frivolous, and they are even broken many times in the Bible by those who are espoused as 'holy' people.
Why does it matter if you beilve in god? And what do you lose by beilveing in him?
It doesn't matter if you believe in a deity. What does matter is when that belief begins to influence everyone, and when that belief forces you to blind yourself to what is real. By believing in something which has no evidence you are shutting your mind off to rational thought and reducing your ability to see things for what they are instead of what you would like them to be.
Much as people eventually must give up their belief in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, so, too, must we eventually give up our beliefs in other fictional characters, no matter how much of a fuzzy feeling we get from that belief.