ForumsWEPRThe General Election

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5,838 posts

As you may or may not know on 6th May there will be a General election in the United Kingdom to determine a new Prime Minister; I'm making this thread partially for people to discuss it since it's really hottintg up (especially after the first of the TV debates). But, since during the American elections I, as a Englishman, was bored stiff being shown all kinda of debates and comaprisons and info on TV and in print etc. for Obama and McCain that was, to an extent, irrelevant to me, I was wondering what effect the U.K. elections were having in other countries; in America, in common-wealth countries etc. are you getting the same coverageof the UK election I got of the American one? Or is it a one-way street?

Anyway thanks for any posts it'll be interesting to see how much information apsses each way

  • 56 Replies
3,224 posts

I love the fact BNP supporters think they are so hard, all of them being from the North. I'd love to see them come up against some inner city London boys.

That said I just learnt through the evening standard that mine is one of the few 3 way marginals. This should be good.

5,838 posts

I love the fact BNP supporters think they are so hard, all of them being from the North. I'd love to see them come up against some inner city London boys.

Lewl my mate isn't hard I'm just realy rather soft..... he wouldn't break my legs just smush them a bit.

Anyway I've got 4 lessons tomorrow so I can vote on the way home from school; get my eclair and nom it then wait for 21:00 for the alternative election (looks like a laugh and Lauren Laverne is on it lol)

I'm in York Outer so we're brand new to the game lol we've just been created for this election. :O
3,224 posts

I think I'll stay up til about 2. I should be able to get some shut eye, and most of the faster constituencies will be in by then.

On a side note, the time it takes to count the vote shows how retarded our system is. In tons of countries everyone votes on their tv or on their computer, and the results are counted by computer and released in about 20 mins. Why are we always so behind the times on our little island.

I WANT CHANGE. Not Cameron's brand though, God forbid.

5,838 posts

On a side note, the time it takes to count the vote shows how retarded our system is. In tons of countries everyone votes on their tv or on their computer, and the results are counted by computer and released in about 20 mins. Why are we always so behind the times on our little island.

There is an artcile thing on the BBC homepage about how some get them out in 45 mins..... I'm sure if some people had their way we'd use carrier pidgeons or something >_>

I WANT CHANGE. Not Cameron's brand though, God forbid.

Have you seen the vandalised conservative posters? some are freekin' hilarious XD
3,224 posts

It's Sunderland South that holds the record. Let's see if they

Have you seen the vandalised conservative posters? some are freekin' hilarious XD

Yea, they are good. Not as good as though. Trust me, look through them. Some of the best ones aren't on the homepage.
27 posts

nope, no coverage here in USA.......

1,416 posts

According to most opinion polls, the Conservatives (center-right) will get 34% of the vote, Labour (Center-Left) around 23%, and the Liberals (centrist to Center-Left) about 30%, with many smaller parties making up the rest. But with the way the seats are attained, the Conservatives are projected to get 290, Labour around 250, and the Liberals around 80. The rest of the seats will go to Scottish, Welsh, and Irish Nationalists. I doubt the BNP or UKIP will gain any seats. A few small parties may gain a seat or two.

Since the Conservatives won't have a majority (326 is needed for a majority), they will probably have to pair up with the Liberals to form a coalition. In return the Liberals will demand changes to electoral law so that the vote goes to proportional representation (so you get the number of seats based on the percentage of votes, rather than "first-past-the-post&quot.

I doubt the coalition will last long. The Liberals won't put up with the Conservatives policies of cutting public services for too long. They'll probably bail after a couple years at most and new elections will have to be held.

4,196 posts

It pissed me off when I was watching hln and some 80 people died in a mine in china. They just said a one-liner about it and then moved on to: Will Elin Divorce Tiger?!?!?!?!

Yes, that annoys me too. What I hated most was how after two days the earthquake/tsunami situation in Thailand (?? I can't remember correctly...) was on the 7th page. People need to get their priorities straight.

Although, if they did then we would have child neglect cases on the front page every day with stories of African Children dying of starvation.

To the OP

Here in Australia we aren't hearing much about the British Election. I am hoping that Margaret Thatcher will get re-elected, because she is a lot better than any of the others.

The Australian Election will be held later this year or early next year...and I don't want K. Rudd to get back in...I'm all for the budgie smuggler clad real Aussie Tony Abbott!
5,838 posts

Here in Australia we aren't hearing much about the British Election. I am hoping that Margaret Thatcher will get re-elected, because she is a lot better than any of the others.

Well done KR

I watched the Daily show on More 4 the other day and was pleased to see them do a piece on our election (even if they were takin' the piss lol)

Any way I've voted and avoided my BNP mate lol but I didn't get an eclair can't wait to see what happens now.

Also I had General Studies today and the teacher was insane..... she is a Conservative and was trying to turn us all (everyone at my school is liberal or Labour) it was really weird cos last I checked teachers were meant to appear neutral.
3,224 posts

According to most opinion polls, the Conservatives (center-right) will get 34% of the vote, Labour (Center-Left) around 23%, and the Liberals (centrist to Center-Left) about 30%, with many smaller parties making up the rest.

Which polls are you reading. Most I read in this morning's papers put the Tories on 35, Labour on 29 and the Lib Dems on 28. Also, don't mistake Cameron's brand of 'rogressive conservatism' for being centre right. Mosdt in his party are firmly right wing. Though I guess by US standards they could be considered centre left.

they will probably have to pair up with the Liberals to form a coalition. In return the Liberals will demand changes to electoral law so that the vote goes to proportional representation

According to British constitutional precedent, it's Brown who has the ability to form a coalition. Only if he fails to do so is the Queen invited to form a new government.

This makes a LibLab coalition much more likely. Also, the Tories will not deliver proportional representation because it would destroy any chance of them ever getting elected as a majority government again. It mnakes much more sense for Labour to offer PR, since a permanent progressive coalition could be put in place, relegating the Tories to a position of permanent opposition.

The most interesting thing will be to see what happens to Labour. Clegg has clearly stated he can't work with Brown. I wonder who'll be the new leader, Johnson, Miliband (David or Ed)? I'd plump for Johnson.
3,224 posts

Time to get out the hard spirits, and get ready for a lads night in with Paxman, Dimbleby and Robinson.

5,838 posts

Time to get out the hard spirits, and get ready for a lads night in with Paxman, Dimbleby and Robinson.

No Carr, Mitchell, Laverne and Brooker? lewl

Anyway I'm glad there was some analysis of those end poll things cos I was lost lol not that the seem to mean much..... 130 of 630 polling stations isn't much.
1,416 posts

The LibLab coalition might not happen. They might not get enough seats to hit 326. Even if they did get a combined 326, Nick Clegg said he would not allow Brown to become PM. So Labour would have to switch their PM choice, or avoid that coalition.

The Conservatives appear to be 19 seats short. They might be able to team up with the Ulster Unionists and some other smaller parties to hit 326. Or maybe we'll get a hung parliament which could lead to a minority rule, or a new election.

3,224 posts

No Carr, Mitchell, Laverne and Brooker? lewl

As fun as that sounds, I'd like some substance to my election night. Despite all the crappy BBC graphics (as per usual) they do offer some good analysis.

Anyway I'm glad there was some analysis of those end poll things cos I was lost lol not that the seem to mean much..... 130 of 630 polling stations isn't much.

Exactly, just look at the 92 election and how wrong the polls were there.

They might not get enough seats to hit 326.

Even with the probably underestimated original exit poll result, the lib lab coalition would be large enough to beat the tories. Also note that exit polls only take into account uniform behaviour, and also get modified after every seat is announced. With just the one Labour victory in Sunderland South, the Lib Dems have already taken 2 seats away from the Tories according to the new poll.

Nick Clegg said he would not allow Brown to become PM. So Labour would have to switch their PM choice, or avoid that coalition.

Brown has made it pretty clear that he would be uninterested in running a coalition government. Plus the Labour party have been dying to get rid of him for so long, and he's not one to cling on. You really have to look at how Mandleson and Johnson have been wh*ring themselves to the Lib Dems all night long in interviews talking about their beliefs that coalition governments are morally justified, and also their support for the AV PR election system. My money is firmly on a Lib lab coalition by next week.

The Conservatives appear to be 19 seats short. They might be able to team up with the Ulster Unionists and some other smaller parties to hit 326.

The Unionists have already stated their claims, ie., lots of money. The Tories being the party of fiscal responsibility will be hesitant to agree to this.
9,821 posts

What does BNP stand for? I've heard a lot about these Neo-Nazis . . . .

Anyway, we get about 30 seconds of British election coverage per news show nowadays. Yay us . . . .

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