To those of you who have seen the two latest south park episodes, in simple terms what do you think? In my opinion the blanking out of the name Muhammad and the big black censor bar covering him is a massive infringment of the freedom of speech, it is also cowering to terrorist demands, if they are able to show pictures of Buddha snorting cocaine then why is it not feesible to show pictures of Muhammad?
Surely both religions should be treated in the same light, but alas they are not.
Now my rant is over what is your view on the whole affair?
Just wondering but have there been and attempts to arrest these people? These guys are based out of New York So should be subject to US laws. Also this is a clear terrorist act and should have them on federal charges.
Which is kind of sad, because for some reason these radicals seem to think they're being singled out...when you have jesus sitting there kicking ass no one's getting singled out.
hey guys south park wasn't cowering down in fear they where laughing in the face of it, they got threats against them for their shows but don't care, they aren't being "shut up" their saying f-u to all the guidelines and truly showing how ridicules fear of terrorism is.
it is ridiculous to fear them, what are they going to do find out where the south park creators live, send a suicide bomber to their house, and kill them, no it is absurb to fear them, i say go F yourselves, what are they going to do to me, America protects me, and that is that. They can't penetrate our borders with any other means thean suicide bombers and small bombs that is it, no tanks, nukes, any of that stuff so to try and kill some ritch people living in manchions(i asume they do) it would be really really hard to do and terrorist are quite stupid when it comes to things that actual takes knowledge other than, hey lets put a bomb on a guy and then he blows up, that isn't really that original anymore.
it is ridiculous to fear them, what are they going to do find out where the south park creators live, send a suicide bomber to their house, and kill them, no it is absurb to fear them, i say go F yourselves, what are they going to do to me, America protects me, and that is that. They can't penetrate our borders with any other means thean suicide bombers and small bombs that is it, no tanks, nukes, any of that stuff so to try and kill some ritch people living in manchions(i asume they do) it would be really really hard to do and terrorist are quite stupid when it comes to things that actual takes knowledge other than, hey lets put a bomb on a guy and then he blows up, that isn't really that original anymore.
1. Many Muslims live in America. 2. You don't need a bomb to be a terrorist. You can make terrorist threats by threatening to stab someone, which is much more realistic. 3. I believe they do know where the creators live, or at least the approximate location.
I waited for "201", but the Countdown was at 0000. I thought something is wrong because that has never happened before. The episode "200" is divided into 2 parts: Eric's Father and Muhammad. I was focused more on Eric's father, because it isn't known who he is and South Park is online for 14 years now. Yeah, and that's why I wait for "201" episode.
I just don't want South Park to be finished forever...
Oh, here's a funny sentence from South Park!
Randy: You just couldn't let it go could you Stan? You just had to insult Tom Cruise AGAIN! Stan: Dad, it's not just Tom Cruise this time...
it is ridiculous to fear them, what are they going to do find out where the south park creators live, send a suicide bomber to their house, and kill them, no it is absurb to fear them, i say go F yourselves, what are they going to do to me, America protects me, and that is that. They can't penetrate our borders with any other means thean suicide bombers and small bombs that is it, no tanks, nukes, any of that stuff so to try and kill some ritch people living in manchions(i asume they do) it would be really really hard to do and terrorist are quite stupid when it comes to things that actual takes knowledge other than, hey lets put a bomb on a guy and then he blows up, that isn't really that original anymore.
lol whyismynametom you really are clueless huh? Your posts always make me laugh, because you don't know what you are talking about. You should read the 2 pages to the discussion before making a comment that makes it obvious you don't know what is going on...
1. The "terrorists" are actually living in New York.... They don't have to cross our borders to get at the writers. 2. They didn't talk about bombs, they actually used a previous victim of terrorism who was stabbed and put on display, and said "they might end up like that". 3. The whole second half of your paragraph... WTF?
Anyway, I think the puritanical 'we whine and we get respect' attitude of the extremists is getting annoying. South Park's very existence is built on satire - and if they can't take a joke, they'll never be widely respected.