We spent about a month learning about checks and balances, which I think most people learned in elementary school.
It's required in most high schools. If you tell me that everyone in your class knew everything already, I won't believe you for a moment.
I remember making the best grades in basic biology class. To me, it was easy. Most of it was review from stuff I learned in grade school. However, I didn't go in there remembering everything I had learned in the past. If I didn't already know everything, why was biology easy for me?
When I sat down and read the book, I instantly understood what was being said. When my teacher said something, I was able to keep up with him with ease. Granted, because everything was already crammed in my head from grade school, most of what I learned came from the teacher jogging my memory.
"Oh yeah, I remember learning that!I also made some of the best grades in my English class. I didn't know everything when I went in there. Heck, I didn't know anything about the topics that we learned. We focused on reading books. I didn't know who the great Gatsby or Holden Caufeild were. I have never read
The Things they carried or
The Jungle before walking into English class.
The class was easy for me, not because I already knew everything, but because I was able to pick up on everything so easily. Also, I love to read, and that's all we did in that class.
The sweep through every paper, every test, but don't learn anything new because they know it all. Nothing is remotely hard.
Maybe they did know everything, but I doubt it. I honestly think they had a better grasp for what they were learning, figured it out miles before anyone else, and only seemed to know everything.
I don't think the issue is that school is too easy, I think the issue is that school is boring.
And I agree with the OP, I hardly try and I pass will an A- average.
You agree with the OP because the school work is too easy?
My creative writing class is filled with people who only know how to write essays. Another problem I find. English is solely focussed on essay writing, this is a SEVERE flaw, because English is so much more than writing essays.
Although I agree with you, it has nothing to do with the issue presented by the OP.
The OP wants to be challenged. You want to learn something you are more interested in. Please keep that in mind.