Extraterrestrial-sm is a theory of life on Earth, which states that Microorganisms from an asteroid collided with the Earth, and, in contain with our eco-system, flourished. This could explain how life came to be on earth.
This theory has recently found new evidence, as found in This article. It states that water has been found on an asteroid. As well all know, water leads to life.
There is water in the underground of Mars, on the Moon, on comets (frozen), ... so you can expect to find some water everywhere. Well, maybe not on "gaz" planets such as Jupiter but on 'rocks' like Earth or Mars ...
Scientists proved that complex molecules can form on their own, with the right parameters. Its certainly possible life on earth was brought about by life-carrying asteroids, but equally likely it came on its own. Besides, not much can survive the solar wind, then Van Allen radiation belts, then the scorching entry into the atmosphere, then an immense impact.
Taking all those things into account I would say it's less likely though still possible. Another factor to consider is organic molecules formed extraterritoriality would likely find an Earth environment to be inhospitable.
Another theory is the one that i posted earlier. I myself beliebe that there are some things that don't just happen by accident. Read the thread i started. The only real thing that makes us any different from anyone other animal is the strain of DNA HAR-1. My idea as to why we have this extremely unique DNA strand? Genetic engineering. As to who or what performed such engineering, I leave that for you to decide.
This theory has recently found new evidence, as found in This article. It states that water has been found on an asteroid. As well all know, water leads to life.
Water is thought to be one of the most abundant substance in the galaxy weather frozen or vapor its all over. Also you need more then just water to lead to life you need and atmosphere and the necessary chemicals to form at least basic one cell organisms too.
if this isnt the main thought of how life came to be what is? (besides religiousely) I want to believe but there is so much evidence as to not and so little as to
Here's something to think about. Nearly every religion in the world has some sort of beliefs that involve sky gods, sun gods, or other beings that descend from the sky, often in dragons or chariots of fire or something similar. Now, if you were an ancient human who saw a spaceship, what else would you call it? It's something strange that's completely different from anything else. The only thing that it sort of represents is something like a dragon, because dragons fly and spew fire and smoke and whatnot.
Here's something to think about. Nearly every religion in the world has some sort of beliefs that involve sky gods, sun gods, or other beings that descend from the sky, often in dragons or chariots of fire or something similar. Now, if you were an ancient human who saw a spaceship, what else would you call it? It's something strange that's completely different from anything else. The only thing that it sort of represents is something like a dragon, because dragons fly and spew fire and smoke and whatnot.
I saw a History channel special on that 1 1/2 times its very interesting.
Well aren't you just insightful? LOL just kidding plz don't flame me. Anyway, not to hate on Christians or anything(as I AM one), but is aliens any harder to believe in then an old, bearded, white guy in the sky who grants wishes and somehow had a sun without any females to speak of? I would say it's a sight easier to believe in.
but is aliens any harder to believe in then an old, bearded, white guy in the sky who grants wishes and somehow had a sun without any females to speak of?
It's also hard to find a grammatically correct Christian >.> If you are a Christian you should go to the bible to see if there are any references to aliens; there are not. Also why would God create another sentient species when the bible says we are his favorite? More likely then not aliens are demons, nothing more.
Guys, I implore you to not turn this into a religious fight. I don't want to have to have it locked because samy can't put aside his religiousness for 2 seconds and have a real conversation. As I said, I am a Christian too. Also, if we are related to the aliens, as I believe, would we not be the same race and therefore equally loved?