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Extraterrestrial-sm is a theory of life on Earth, which states that Microorganisms from an asteroid collided with the Earth, and, in contain with our eco-system, flourished. This could explain how life came to be on earth.

This theory has recently found new evidence, as found in This article. It states that water has been found on an asteroid. As well all know, water leads to life.


  • 54 Replies
4,871 posts

Guys, I implore you to not turn this into a religious fight. I don't want to have to have it locked because samy can't put aside his religiousness for 2 seconds and have a real conversation.

Yes because my belief aliens cannot be related to my religious beliefs, good work knowing that.

Also, if we are related to the aliens, as I believe, would we not be the same race and therefore equally loved?

Again I refer you to the bible where there is no evidence for this. Unless you'd like to reference a specific verse in Genesis that may give you some support. Wont tell you what that is though :P

In regards to the original topic I feel like it's a possibility and maybe even a better idea than the molecules forming DNA on there own. However it really isn't that much more likely because it still says they formed together else where.
3,035 posts

How about "Let Us make man in Our own Image" sounds like there were more than one person involved.

3,437 posts

To assume perfection is to know perfection. We know nothing of perfection, so we cannot assume anything as perfect. However, the word "image" can also be a reflection of psychological and emotional make up.

As for the alien BS. The universe is simple to young to harbour "advanced" alien life.

3,035 posts

Are you serious? What if you were on another planet and life started, let's say, 1000 years after life on out planet. Would not call humans an advanced alien species, even considering you evolved exactly like us? It is, in fact, probable that other advanced species exist, and also probable that they are far more advanced than humans. They could have well evolved to MUCH smarter than we are today, or will ever be.

186 posts

One could assume then that the other species was not perfect, which would mean God made a mistake. God cannot make a mistake.

He can make a mistake to the eyes of a human being.
3,035 posts

Think of it like this: nothing is perfect. Simply making humans is an imperfect thing. We are horrible. We're destroying the planet. Think of this from the Earth's point of view or from other animals point of view.

Earth: OMG what are these things? There using me up like a low-class prostitute and they're not even paying me!

Animals: OMG what are these things? They're getting rid of thousands of species! We can't fight them! They're taking away our habitats!

Now, if you were either the Earth or other animals, would you even begin to consider that the being who made these things was in any way perfect? I think not. (Just to be clear, I'm a Christian, I just have some problems with some of the finer points)

186 posts

[quote]Think of it like this: nothing is perfect. Simply making humans is an imperfect thing. We are horrible. We're destroying the planet. Think of this from the Earth's point of view or from other animals point of view.

Earth: OMG what are these things? There using me up like a low-class prostitute and they're not even paying me!

Animals: OMG what are these things? They're getting rid of thousands of species! We can't fight them! They're taking away our habitats!

Now, if you were either the Earth or other animals, would you even begin to consider that the being who made these things was in any way perfect? I think not. (Just to be clear, I'm a Christian, I just have some problems with some of the finer points)[quote]

Animals aren't very intellectual compared to beings, and wouldn't begin to understand any aspect of life. Earth can't understand, as Earth is a planet.

Yes we aren't perfect, we never will be perfect, that's how he made us. We have the ability to do right and wrong.

But god is Perfect , he did everything for a reason. A reason we might never know, that's what Christianity is about. God is a mystery.

3,035 posts

But wouldn't making something imperfect make you yourself imperfect? If I tried to make a painting and it came out looking like crap I would definitely not be considered perfect. Also, what does having the ability to do right or wrong have to do with being perfect? And doesn't everybody do everything for a reason?

1,720 posts

This theory has recently found new evidence, as found in This article. It states that water has been found on an asteroid. As well all know, water leads to life.

are you serious, when asteroid goes to atmosphere of any planet it burns up, and water evaporate from it
3,035 posts

Actually, if the asteroid is big enough, not all the water evaporates. And even IF it evaporates, it would eventually come down as rain. There is even a theory that all the water on Earth was slowly deposited by asteroids over the years. And don't even get me started on your grammar.

3,437 posts

I'm VERY temepted to call you an idiot and leave it at that.

4,871 posts

How about "Let Us make man in Our own Image" sounds like there were more than one person involved.

Which further gives proof to the idea of the trinity. He was referring to Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

We know nothing of perfection, so we cannot assume anything as perfect.

Ah, but I'm referring to perfection in God's eyes.

As for the alien BS. The universe is simple to young to harbour "advanced" alien life.

That's not even considering the massive amount of time it would take to produce technology to reach Earth or the then massive amount of time it would take to reach Earth.

@Possum I don't feel like correcting all your bad points. Read a bible or something.

Actually, if the asteroid is big enough, not all the water evaporates. And even IF it evaporates, it would eventually come down as rain. There is even a theory that all the water on Earth was slowly deposited by asteroids over the years. And don't even get me started on your grammar.

3,035 posts

In response to samy: the asteroid thing is science, read a textbook or something. And could you please try and correct all my bad points? As to the Trinity thing, that is all up to opinion and there is no proof either way. As to the amount of time it would take to reach earth thing, that is just plain ignorant. You obviously know nothing of the theories about space travel. What of a wormhole? That is instantaneous. What of traveling at or close to the speed of time? That either stops time for the traveling person or drastically slows it down to where it barely passes. As to the technology thing, that is all a matter of how smart said other species happens to be. We can't be so arrogant as to put their technological advances on a timescale anywhere similar to ours, as we know nothing of us.

4,871 posts

the asteroid thing is science

Asteroids neither have an atmosphere or enough gravity to contain any more than nano-litters of water which, because in it's early days the Earth's atmosphere was extremely thick, would have been lost as it entered onto Earth thus nullifying your idea.

As to the Trinity thing, that is all up to opinion and there is no proof either way.

Uh, you just gave proof; Jesus has to be an equal to God; and all three aspects are shown during Jesus' baptism.

What if you were on another planet and life started, let's say, 1000 years after life on out planet. Would not call humans an advanced alien species, even considering you evolved exactly like us? It is, in fact, probable that other advanced species exist, and also probable that they are far more advanced than humans. They could have well evolved to MUCH smarter than we are today, or will ever be.

Er no, the universe isn't that old and the odds for life occurring on Earth were very high in the relativity small amount of time it took. The odds of what your proposing aren't even feasible.

As to the amount of time it would take to reach earth thing, that is just plain ignorant. You obviously know nothing of the theories about space travel. What of a wormhole? That is instantaneous. What of traveling at or close to the speed of time? That either stops time for the traveling person or drastically slows it down to where it barely passes.

* Facepalm*

A. These are not theories they are barely even hypothesis's
B. You don't have any concept of how long these technologies would take to create do you? HUGH amounts. Also I'm assuming your referring to the speed of light.
3,035 posts

As I said before, how can you possible know it would take huge amounts of time to create these technologies, as you have no idea how smart or resourceful said aliens could be. As to the water being lost thing, impossible. The water can't just disappear. As I said, it would be in the atmosphere and just end up coming down as rain, smart@ss. And what the hell do you mean the universe isn't that old? It's PLENTY old. As I said before, outs is one of the youngest solar systems in the galaxy.

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