I am my own father. I have always been my own father since birth.
Now I know what you're thinking: "Why the hell is this in World Events, Politics, Religion, Etc. forum?". Well, this is the start of a debate I've seen in the religion category. Keep in mind that this doesn't just apply to christianity or any specific religion.
I am my own father. Now, you will probably say: "But that's physically impossible!"
Yeah? Well my biology is beyond your human understanding. We people who are our own fathers are much higher as an entity. What do you think of that?
If you are your own father, that means your father is also you. Therefore, your father's father is also you. So, you are your own grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, etc.
What is even more interesting is the fact that you have no paternal grandmother. Or rather, your paternal grandmother is also your mother.
Therefore, all of your genes come from your mother's side of the family.
But if you are your own father how is that possiable. How is it possiable that you placed your OWN sperm when you were'nt even developed. How could you shoot your own sperm cell into your mother when the sperm is you. You are not making one bit of sence. W.T.H ._.?
It could be that he is refering to how all matter changes form and there is a possibility that if his father died and a plant grew in this spot which was then eaten by a snail which was eaten by a bird which then flew off and died in a cow field...and then a plant grew from it and a cow ate it...then if he ate the cow...he would get some of his father...