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Here. This is in a Church in the USA. Post you comments below.


  • 55 Replies
5,043 posts

"Did your grandpa look like this?"

Probably the most commonly used straw man argument today.

When you watch the laynext_from=TL&videos=_74NPuNkyio">video, you are looking at hundreds of people who are being taught that science is always a lie if it goes against the bible. It is scray, but it's not as bad as it seems. For every 500 kids being told evolution is a lie, there's thousands upon thousands who are learning about evolution. And out of those 500, a large sum of them will also except evolution as they grow older.

We live in a country where you can teach and learn anything you want. It's unfortunate, but you must allow some people to banter about fallacies if you want to be sure that those with truths are also allowed to speak. If we silence religious and scientific fallacies, we will also silence possible scientific truths, which more often than not prevail when it comes to common knowledge, or at the least, knowledge that allows us to move forward.

1,739 posts

First off, I'd like to say that as Nemo has shown, 500 in one country isn't a lot. And most of them will eventually come to their own conclusions about how man was created when they're older.

The thing I find most abusive of this teaching is that the children are younger than 6. They cannot truly think for themselves, as they are too young and undeveloped, and will believe what they are told. I find that this is brainwashing. True, teaching little kids about evolution is also brainwashing, which is why I think (And it generally is) this matter should be taught when the kids are older and can form their own ideas.

And the grandpa joke:

That is biased information. The spokesman is making the other side appear like a joke, while bolstering the viewpoint of his ideas. They must realize that people may decide for themselves what to believe, and shouldn't indirectly force young-untrained minds.

Also, this quote makes me sad:

God said it, I believe it, that settles it!

In a hardcore fact believer's opinion as myself, I see a million ways this can be argued:

1. The word of God is interpreted through the Bible. But the Bible isn't written by God.

2. Two thousands years since Jesus have gone by. In that time, he Bible (Obviously) has been changed and edited. And the Old Testament has been around even longer

3. God is said to have created humans and animals. But the Bible never mentions dinosaurs.

4. It is highly plausible that the Church has edited the Bible to its favor, to encourage people to stay Christians.

5. There are many ways to interpret the Bible. They interpret it so, other people see it in another way.

Now, I'd like to point out that the only recorded words of God are in the Bible, the Qur'an and the other Monotheistic literature books of arts. Each one has different versions of God. It's why people fight.

Upon listening to the end, where the kids say 'I don't believe in evolution. I believe in Creation' was also depressing: they only heard one side of the story.

I personally find (My opinion, it must not be yours, and you may disagree) that the Bible and word of God are how to live a good life, the right morals and create a happier community. I do not believe that everything in the Bible is true (After all, it was written a very long time ago), especially the history and the explanations of why things happen. But the morals behind it are what matter.

5,043 posts

First off, I'd like to say that as Nemo has shown, 500 in one country isn't a lot. And most of them will eventually come to their own conclusions about how man was created when they're older.

Well, I was mainly trying to state that there are far more organizations that teach evolution than creationism, and most kids who are taught creationism will eventually learn about evolution anyway. I shouldn't have used numbers to stress my point. There are quite a few people who don't believe in evolution, and it is a bit of an issue, but like I said earlier, it's not quite as bad considering how many more believe in evolution.

There are many people who believe in evolution and creationism.

The minister has every right to teach kids about creationism being truer than evolution. After all, it's the parents responsibility to allow their kids exposure to such things or not. If the parents are stupid enough to take their children their, then it's the parent's fault, not the moron at the stand.

If they were teaching how evolution is wrong in public schools, there would be an issue.
170 posts

I say you can beleive anything you want even if it is garbage that is easily proved false. No offense to anyone out there but science is proven the bible isnt and there is nothing to prove it. Also the first bible was written about 1,000 A.D. so there could be a lot wrong with the info in the bible. What i think those people should do is show both sides and let the kids decide which side their on. But I prefer to think interms of facts and statistics not beliefs and myths.

1,416 posts

How about this: God created the world through Evolution. BOOM HEADSHOT! Can't disprove me from either side!

9,821 posts

God created the world through Evolution.

Unless you're not talking from a creationist timeline, you're automatically wrong. Evolution takes more than 6,000 years >_>

Also . . . did god evolve the rocks? Or did he create those? You can't evolve rocks.
3,386 posts

I think it should be optional to learn about evolution in public schools. I am in a public school and I was forced to learn about it, even though my mom tried to stop them from it. Honestly, I think that something had to be created first, then everything just evolved from a few diffent things. I think there is some type of animal or plant or whatever that doesn't have any Matching DNA with us humans or whatever we came from.
Like the most primitive form of life was created then everything just evolved from there. There is science to prove the we have evolved from something else, and you can't really go against that...

God is said to have created humans and animals. But the Bible never mentions dinosaurs

So you are saying a dinosaur isn't an animal....? I don't think the bible mentions snails either, but that doesn't say they don't exist...

And the whole "Earth is millions and billions of years old" stuff, I don't even know what to think on that. Carbon dating is a total fail, so we can't use that. we can guesstimate, but I don't think we will find out an approximate number.

But this is just my opinion. It could be proven wrong..
2,917 posts

All I'm asking is that the kids get BOTH sides. Evolutionism and creationism.

3,386 posts

Yeah. There should be options for it... Not one or the other. And Teaching kids this young is wrong, and can be legitly called brainwashing, but that is how christians do it. unless they are passive christians.. but other than that, we are harsh...

9,821 posts

I think it should be optional to learn about evolution in public schools. I am in a public school and I was forced to learn about it, even though my mom tried to stop them from it. Honestly, I think that something had to be created first, then everything just evolved from a few diffent things. I think there is some type of animal or plant or whatever that doesn't have any Matching DNA with us humans or whatever we came from.

There's scientific fact - proof, actually - that all our life forms evolved from another one. Challenge me on that, I dare you.

Schools are supposed to teach science and what we believe to be scientific fact. Evolution is scientific fact. Therefore, schools should teach evolution. Creationism is entirely a religious creation - all 'evidence' for it is religious, and not scientific. It entails a creator or god, a religious idea. Schools shouldn't teach religious hypotheses, they should teach scientific theories. And evolution fits the latter.
2,917 posts

But his voice is rather assuring.. not to mention that sweet ho-down about the dinosaur.

170 posts

What im saying is that they should be exposed to both but i believe in evolution becuase its more proven than creatism because theres nothing to supporting the bible but theres a lot more info to support evolution.

4,871 posts

There's scientific fact - proof, actually - that all our life forms evolved from another one. Challenge me on that, I dare you.

Actually no; and this is what always gets me. How can you be sure that all the similarities we see do not come from some sort of creator who simply used the same materials. Clearly there is evidence for evolution if you already believe in evolution; if you do not then all you see are coincidences.

I'm not saying evolution is wrong but the way ID is utterly ignored in public schools takes away an individuals right to decide.
2,301 posts

I'm no rabid atheist, not by a long long shot, but I must say, I find the idea that children should be exposed to both evolution and creationism in school ridiculous.

Evolution is a legitimate scientific theory, backed by plenty of evidence. Creationism is entirely religious, by definition. Religion should not be taught in public schools, while science should be. Anything else is violating freedom of religion.

3,386 posts

There's scientific fact - proof, actually - that all our life forms evolved from another one. Challenge me on that, I dare you.

Did I ever say that there wasn't?
Read carfully Alt... I said that something had to be created. Not by a God or anything. GOTCHA THERE! XP
And if there is proof of it, what was the FIRST life form? O.o cause I do not know.

Schools are supposed to teach science and what we believe to be scientific fact

WRONG. Schools ( pre-school through 12th grade ) are supposed to ready you for life and help you decide on your future. If you are pursuing a career in evoulution, go right on ahead. You don't need to learn about it for weeks upon weeks during your youth. I mean, the picture of evolution for humans kind of speaks for itself... So why should schools have to teach it. Some Science teachers will verbally fight you just to try to make you believe in evolution. That is wrong, yes, but it changes the way you will think about it forever. There is proof of evolution, yes, but EVERYTHING had to of come from SOMETHING was it just one thing? or was it multiple? What "Sparked" life. What caused emotions? What caused curiousity? Something made us want to wear clothes. Something made us want to progress. We could be like most primitive animals and just stay at the most basic level of what would keep us alive. Like other things that don't talk, or show understanding, we might call stupid, or un-evolved. Like Monkeys for example. why don't we see any of them evolving now? They don't want to cover up their skin or anything like that. Why dont't they strive to progress? Is it stupidity? or would it be intelligence? WHY did the early humans try to progress? Why didn't they just adapt to enviorment and stay the same? It isn't like we aren't able to survive in the wild. DNA may be the same, but where are the genes for progression that we have? Does that make up the small percentage that the monkey family doesn't have? So much has already been discovered, but the BIG picture has yet to be revealed. Who or what will reveal it, I do not know.

Holy Cow that is alot of rambling.... geezus. I don't even know if all of it makes sense. But I don't feel like reading back through it and editing.... oh well.

And alt, I am not attacking you on anything, just showing my opinion. Please take into mind that I will not change it no matter what you say. And that I am not trying to change yours, but simply see what your opinion of Evoulution/Life really is. Feel free to bluntly state it, so that I may continue on with my life not worrying that you are mad at me.
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