I'm going to be honest here. Though Exit Path is fun, I have to say that I like Platform Racing 2 better. I mean no offense to the people who made Exit Path of those who play it, it is just mine humble opinion.
Well, until there's a tournament or something I'll be taking a break. I'm at 1001 wins for 1385 matches so I guess I'll wait for new maps to come up, or new features^^. But it has been a formidable experience, exit path is awesome if not for its many bugs...
Yeah, there should be more stages. There should be a option where you can choose what like, what place you want to play, maybe a word would be a room? Maybe match? Blergh... I can't find a word that can describe it. But that could be better way to find the specific users you want to play with.
Well, until there's a tournament or something I'll be taking a break. I'm at 1001 wins for 1385 matches so I guess I'll wait for new maps to come up, or new features^^. But it has been a formidable experience, exit path is awesome if not for its many bugs...
you just had to stop exactly ONE win above me, didnt you? :P
i should go get 2 more wins, but i really cant be bothered lol.
I'm going to be honest here. Though Exit Path is fun, I have to say that I like Platform Racing 2 better. I mean no offense to the people who made Exit Path of those who play it, it is just mine humble opinion.
I really like this game, it's provided me with hours of entertainment so far and I've done the uniplayer over and over again without getting bored..I think the Flair concept is what really keeps my interest. I like that you can customize your character and then show off your earned Flair to other players online. More flair objects would always be sweet, but I'm content with still trying to earn the existing ones! Which leads me into talking about the multiplayer which is just as fantastic! Though, there are a few bugs which I'm sure you're already aware of. I've ran into a problem where I couldn't connect, where the waiting room timer became frozen, when the game froze when the race was about to start, and also when I give kudos then get two more from somebody leveling up, sometimes I'm unable to give them if I've already spent mine. Though that last one could simply be solved by me being more patient . Outside of those minor things which a quick refresh solved, it seems to run very smooth! Excellent work and good luck making it even better!
I can't seem to beat level 27 it bugs me. And on one of the levels, on the treadmill things that make you go faster, my guy was lagged, and he wouldn't jump when I told him to jump, so he went into the spiked wheels.
I can't seem to beat level 27 it bugs me. And on one of the levels, on the treadmill things that make you go faster, my guy was lagged, and he wouldn't jump when I told him to jump, so he went into the spiked wheels.