ForumsGamesEverything ExitPath

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203 posts

It's in open beta so give any and all thoughts!

  • 556 Replies
47 posts

love the game

1,739 posts

There should be an iTouch/iPhone version of this.

With multiplayer? Be cool, but they'd have to work on it for some time... And get a server.

GRANDMASTER! Made it about a week ago though.

Wanna see a 'lol' glitch?

Weird, huh? Anyone else had it?
P.S: Notice the crazy grandmaster there. He tore me apart, I didn't even finish the race (My fault though).
34 posts

lol the ranks are 3-8, instead of 1-5. never happened to me before.
...or, do you mean the fact 1 person is under your exp status bar? thats never happened to me either.

however, i HAVE seen someone finish with a time of 00:00.00 before, and everyone started accusing him of hacking lol, but he said he didnt, the game had just froze and glitched. it didnt happen ever again though, so he probably was telling the truth.

i might come back for a few occasional rounds if i get bored some days. i dont know how rusty/good i will be after my hiatus though, chances are i will need to warm up again.

........btw, looking at your screenshot made me realize that the position counter CAN go higher than 5... so this means that 10 (or at least 8 or 9) player races are possible too... i wouldnt mind being in "larger" competitions like that, it would be fun! ...although i guess if it were to be implemented, the whole engine would need a few tweaks (flags, race results screen, and more), so that idea probably should only be considered for exit path 2 (if there will be one), instead of this game.

95 posts

multiplayer is fun ut lately i've been lagging in every multiplayer game, makes the game a lot less fun =/

12 posts

People need to learn to pass out all of their kudos, holding them does nothing for you.

1,739 posts

however, i HAVE seen someone finish with a time of 00:00.00 before, and everyone started accusing him of hacking lol, but he said he didnt, the game had just froze and glitched.

Be fun to compile a bug-library of rare ExitPath bugs. Not ones John has to solve (Too rare), but funny to look at.
ut lately i've been lagging in every multiplayer game

If you're losing, that means it's your internet. I leave when that happens, there's no point in playing.
People need to learn to pass out all of their kudos, holding them does nothing for you.

My general rules for kudos are:

1. Give one to the winner- Come on, they deserve it
2. If you massacre the opponents(None or one of them manages to finish), give it to the guy(s) who managed to finish.
3. Newbies deserve kudos over experts.

I generally follow that pattern... I also say a lot of 'gg' when I've played a game.
34 posts

People need to learn to pass out all of their kudos, holding them does nothing for you.

i agree with this... it annoys me when i pass out kudos to people, and they dont give me any back... thats usually when i start holding mine, because its not exactly fair if i keep giving them kudos but they are giving me any. this doesnt happen to me too often though, but when it does, it doesnt feel good to give out a bunch and get none back. thats the ONLY time i start holding em in response.

generally, my policy with kudos is:

- when in an unfamiliar room with new people, i try giving one kudo to everyone and see if they give any back. the ideal scenario is forming a "kudo bond" with one or more people, and keep covering for each other every match, that way, both me and the other can rest assured we will always get at least 1 (or more).

- whoever gives me a kudo back, is priority to give one (or more) next match as well, it doesnt matter expert or newbie, or what place they finish... for i just value someone who can show gratitude and repay a favor i do for them. if i give someone kudos for 2 matches in a row, and i still get none back from them, then i stop giving them any (unless they start).

- if i have a "kudo bond" with more than 1 person, and i place low one match, and only end up with 1 kudo to give, then it becomes hard for me. i guess whoever is 1st to kudo me in that case would get mine lol.

im sure not everyone will agree with my policies, but i gotta be honset, thats how i do my kudos.
130 posts

I normally start giving each player a kudo to form those cool "kudo bonds", and then I keep loyal to my gamemate, giving him kudos. I don't care about who wins or loses, I don't betray my people.
-Whoever wins (assuming I don't lose because of lag) gets all my kudos (I am at level 40, so that happens rarely).
-Come on, we've all been noobs, trying to get all those badges about getting kudos. People with more than 250 kudos don't need any more, I give them to the new players (or those who are really close to getting a badge). Also, if there are 2 kudobombs in the same match, I give my 7 kudos to the same person to ensure he gets the badges
My advice: never hold kudos, even if they are holding them themselves. Just tell them to release the kudos, give then a bunch of them and they'll be so grateful they'll spam you with kudos

5,874 posts

How about,

5 kudos for every winner
1 the people who lost
2 for gaining a new rank
3 for beating someone a higher level than you

Just my idea. =)

12 posts

yea im nice about Kudos too, i always try and give it to who needs it, but my data got erased so im down to onyl 65 Kudos again (level 13 i think) and ive gone like 6 games in a row with 0 kudos given to me as the winner and another 3 where i got 1 each, each game i give out all 5 of mine.

2,513 posts

Just reached Grandmaster a few minutes ago.

And on the topic of Kudos, I give kudos only when I'm actually on the screen for the game, but I do give kudos often, but only to people who beat the level or leveled up.

1 posts

ya tnhis is one of the better games on but this game is good cause they have a really good,hard,and exciting campain that took effort to beat and the good multiplayer but they should have a forge where u can make levels for multiplayer- =]

1,846 posts

I just uploaded my walkthrough/commentary for Exit Path. Check it out and tell me what you think of it and subscribe maybe!

Exit Path is amazing and addicting and I keep finding myself coming back to it. I don't actually come back for the Multiplayer, I like to keep beating my old records in Uniplayer. My current speedrun is 5:50.

34 posts

but they should have a forge where u can make levels for multiplayer- =]

yes i agree on this... so long as it was moderated by john (so that we dont end up playing on unfinishable "joke" levels that may get submitted for laughs).

having a multiplayer level editor would be a good way to let players unleash their creativity, as well as to take a load of work of johns hands... hell, id probably try to make some levels myself, in hopes 1 or more would be considered worthy enough to use
13,817 posts


You sound weird.. Joke.


Yes, this is a very good idea. Hmm.. I figure it will require a considerable amount of work however. Some modification to the game.

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