ForumsWEPRTime travel

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Time travel is impossible because to do this you would need to rewind the universe, and thats not TT thats literally reversing every atom, particle and space between atoms and GOD knows what else to a previous state. Everything exists at once and it is in a constant forward motion. Time is not a line, it is mearly a measurment of point A to B, you cant go back to A because it is, in fact now point C. So even reversing everything would still only take you forward.

Thats my view anyway. What yall gonna do bout that!

  • 164 Replies
1,416 posts

Unless you don't kill your grandmother

You could, actually, kill your grandmother. This is assuming that time is not linear, but at least planar. By that, I mean that all possibilites of time actually exist. In other words, if you flip a coin, all eventualites are present (heads, tails, three flips, four flips, etc), but we just perceive one of them.

Therefore, you could travel back in time to an alternate past. The only difference between this past and the one you experienced would the fact that you (and your time machine) exist in it. Therefore, you could kill your grandmother without violating causality, because this grandmother doesn't end up giving birth to your mom.

And yes, I am just making stuff up. But it kind of sounds logical, doesn't it?
1,714 posts

Einstein's theory of relativity can be used to prove time travel is possible, but only into the future and in a slightly different meaning than most would assume. Its not an instant leap forward, its a I'm moving through time slower than everything around me kinda thing. The problem with that is it is most effective at or near the speed of light, which is (as far as we know) physically impossible for anything with mass.

3,224 posts

Analog, Kaku, Hawking, Thorne, all of them believe it is possible, so despite my belief that it's BS, I don't want to contradict people who are much cleverer than me. Mallett is a real scientist working on it, and he's got real funding (he's not some free energy type scientist, a real one.)

In addition, there are some theoretical vehicles for time travel proposed by different well known physicists, and all of their maths works, given theoretical energy levels and unkown materials.

That said, I'm inclined to think time travel is logically possible, but probably impractical. If you think about what time is, it seems very possible. It's simply the measure of the rate of change of entropy in a system. It goes in one direction because entropy typically occurs in one direction. However in a closed system this is not the case, and so in theory a closed system can go back in time. I am simplifying it a tad, and it would require massive amounts of energy, but it is theoretically possible.

1,573 posts

My theory of time travel would work, but is still not going back. If you DID reverse every particle it would need to be soooo precise and not mess up and would also take massive amounts of energy along with a computer we just cant build yet. In essence you would still be rolling on back to point C, but things would be in the same exact state as they were when at point A. You would prolly be better to just take your measurments from point A and when you get to point B, make a new A, this would be easier than measuring every particle (including the space between particles) and reversing the precise transformations it goes thru. To do this we would need to break the measurments down to a level we just cannot go to yet i.e. smaller incriments of time, smaller particles, needing to know what vacuum is made of (please take this term loosely) etc...

In a way, we never really leave point A. The universe is a constant thing and this doesnt change.

And Mr.Hawking doesnt believe in time travel. As Moe said, your only going thru time slower than everyone else. There is no way past this. I get the feeling most people think that if you go faster than the speed of light you would go backwards, this is simply not the case. It doesnt matter how much faster than the speed of light you go, particles are not gonna reverse themselves just for you. And never mind the problem of going over the threshold, i.e. at the precice moment you stop time and start going back, you suddenly meet the yourself who is about to go back going forwards.

Its impossible. Sounds nice, but impossible.

3,224 posts

As Moe said, your only going thru time slower than everyone else. There is no way past this. I get the feeling most people think that if you go faster than the speed of light you would go backwards, this is simply not the case

It depends on what you view as time travel. If you went to a place where time seemed to move slower than on Earth, when you got back to Earth you would have effectively traveled to the future.

I even think going back in time would work that way. It would be impossible to set the entire universe back in time, because that would require more energy than exists in the universe. An individual could ostensibly go back in time though, but it would merely be getting them younger.
166 posts

Time travel is not hat you think it is, Analog,
it's not REVERSING, because, that would get you nowhere,
time travelling is making an OBJECT travel through that dimension,
reversing, would in fact, just block the existance of the universe.

My view?

Time is NOT measurable
A VERY easy example of something complicated:

A second / 2
half a second /2
quarter of a second /2
so on, so on, it is unmeasurable

I think, every moment, every time an atom moves (vibrates),
a new dimension would be shaped
now, time travelling is, in fact, according to me, travelling to another dimension, therefore, it is HIGHLY accurate, and yes, you could kill your own grandmother, but it wouldn't affect the dimension you originated from, you would continue to live, in that dimension you travelled to.

Any opinions, critic?

1,573 posts

when you got back to Earth you would have effectively traveled to the future.

K, lets say for arguments sake we are only taking about traveling back to the past, because there are too many ways to "time travel" to the future.

An individual could ostensibly go back in time though, but it would merely be getting them younger.

I still think you could reverse someones cells and that would, in effect, make them younger, but this still seems like going forwards.
From point A (young) to point B (old) and back to the state of a, whcih is now C.

Time travel is not hat you think it is, Analog,
it's not REVERSING, because, that would get you nowhere,
time travelling is making an OBJECT travel through that dimension,
reversing, would in fact, just block the existance of the universe.

You cant state that time travelling IS going to another dimension as this is a personal view. What about going back in THIS dimension and if this is impossible then why can you go to another dimension thats not in the now? Doesnt make sense. Also I dont see how reversing the state of something would cause the universe not to exist, as it would mearly (if done correctly) put it in a previous state. I would agree that the amount of energy needed would be rather silly, but then we are talking theory all the way here.

Time is NOT measurable

I agree, but not because we would get to the point where we could not measure it. Because its not a real thing, time in itself is mearly the measurement of something ELSE, or to be more precise, a measurement of the changes something goes thru. Only a conciousness can measure something. Without a conciousness, there is a beggining and an end, with a middle.
1,714 posts

I get the feeling most people think that if you go faster than the speed of light you would go backwards,

That may work for the silver surfer, but in reality we know of nothing that surpasses to speed of light. Another problem is that anything with mass cannot reach the speed of light, so surpassing it is completely out of the question.
88 posts

If we could time travel our just going back and being in that time period for a millisecond could rewrite the future. This could be caused by bacteria that was found in te past but evolved through time and when introduced could cause a huge pandemic. Also say someone goes back in time and kills Hitler. (red alert scenario) say someone tries to stop that (rest or red alert series).

1,573 posts

Another problem is that anything with mass cannot reach the speed of light, so surpassing it is completely out of the question.

Only as far as we know it. There may be a way to completly nulify the effects on mass if moving at/past the speed of light. There is talk of the elusive "Tachyon" particle that moves faster than the speed of light but has never been proven, only theorised to exist as it would solve alot of our problems (in fact, humans are pretty good at going "if there was only a particle that did this, then the standard model would add up" which it doesnt btw)

Also say someone goes back in time and kills Hitler. (red alert scenario) say someone tries to stop that (rest or red alert series).

In which case we would be living in one messed up paradox of a universe. The ONLY way that TT is available in future is if the future society is soooo utopian or advanced that they prevent our knowing about it. Maybe our goverment is in league with the future ppl, maybe this is a future conspiracy. Maybe its just not possible because we would darn well know about it. Unless there are endless dimensions and therefore they just havnt got round to us yet (prolly cos too many religious ppl still in this dimension, and ppl who believe in snake ppl, and ppl who are "born again" christians, and ppl who write in armor games forums and talk as much cack as I do, the list is endless really)
9,504 posts

These are very great comments you guys are typing out! Some positive discussion where people aren't at each others' throats at least rofl

If traveling back in time is possible, then it is one heck of a paradox. Everything that we are experiencing right now is viewed as the present, correct? And whenever someone wants to travel back in time, whatever people in the present would experience would be those that are IN that time period, plus those that are in the future right? What if you were in a period of time where there was something big going on? THAT'S TOO MANY PEOPLE!!

Say for example you are in the year 20,010 and TT'ing is in its golden years. You are in a school doing research on Ben Franklin. What better way to do research than go back in time and witness his work for yourself, right? Next year, another guy/gal does it. And next year, next year, the year after that. From now until the end of humanity, people are wanting to see Ben Franklin. Now if you think about this in the Colonial present, how many people could that possibly be? I would think after a hundred thousand people Ben Franklin would scream "Go away you little tards I'm busy!"

1,714 posts

There is talk of the elusive "Tachyon" particle that moves faster than the speed of light but has never been proven,

I forgot about the "Tachyon". But if I remember correctly it is not quite all in this dimension(I think its the tachyon, it might be another theoretical particle though). And if it is, that doesn't help us because we would have to find a way to leave our dimension. I have a feeling wormholes would be easier than leaving a dimension.
170 posts

I think time travel into the future is possible because as a matter of fact i have seen stephan hawkings documentary which basically says you go really really fast and in fact you go through time. But time travel to the past is like stated before impossible.

3,224 posts

K, lets say for arguments sake we are only taking about traveling back to the past, because there are too many ways to "time travel" to the future.

Why though. Leaving out cyrogenic freezing and all similar things, time travel to the future would be a much more significant development than travelling to the past. Why? Well two reasons really. Firstly that we could essntially fate ourselves as a species. For example, if someone traveled to the future where the human race was extinct, our fate is to no longer exist. Now the question the person in the future has is, ''If I hadn't gone forward in time, would mankind have perished?'' It's essentially a complex requestioning of fate, but it's still something that would be important.

Secondly, because we could work out whether there is any case to be made for determinism. If for example we went forward in time to see the lottery numbers, and then see if they actually came up or not. If they did come up, determinism it is. If it didn't come up and was just any assortment of random numbers, well you can chuck all your Marx Fukuyama etc., out the window.

I still think you could reverse someones cells and that would, in effect, make them younger, but this still seems like going forwards.
From point A (young) to point B (old) and back to the state of a, whcih is now C.

I understand that. What I'm saying is that is probably where 'time travel' will go, if we ever reach that level of technological advancement. If you left Earth and entered a spacecraft capable at traveling at close to the speed of light, you would return to earth in the 'future' without having aged to any significant degree. I agree it's not proper time travel as we are used to in sci fi films, but it qualifies in my book. The effects are the same.

Only as far as we know it. There may be a way to completly nulify the effects on mass if moving at/past the speed of light. There is talk of the elusive "Tachyon" particle that moves faster than the speed of light but has never been proven, only theorised to exist as it would solve alot of our problems (in fact, humans are pretty good at going "if there was only a particle that did this, then the standard model would add up" which it doesnt btw)

Well then you could make the case that we 'made up' black holes, anti matter, neutrinos, gluons, time dilation, gravitational waves and the curvature of light beams around massive objects. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you'd be surprised how much pure theory can predict, even if it seems really unlikely before it's observed. I think one of Einstein's most important contributions to the scientific community is that theory is very powerful indeed.

As far as reality is concerned, even a massless object like a photon still cannot exceed C. It can onlu travel at the speed of light. If you want to time travel, you would need to go faster.
109 posts

I which I can time-travel I'd go back to the past and correct the mistakes i made. Like if i got miinus 1 on my test i would have corrected it. LOl i got 4.o on my report card

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