Time travel is impossible because to do this you would need to rewind the universe, and thats not TT thats literally reversing every atom, particle and space between atoms and GOD knows what else to a previous state. Everything exists at once and it is in a constant forward motion. Time is not a line, it is mearly a measurment of point A to B, you cant go back to A because it is, in fact now point C. So even reversing everything would still only take you forward.
Thats my view anyway. What yall gonna do bout that!
As the black hole is a really big thing, we would time travel. Of course we could only do this in the far future.
Black holes arn't big they are extremely dense singularitys and you can throw any ideas about using them for time travel away once you cross the event horizon you are dead.
I believe time travel could be possible, seeing that the theory is about the disposition of yourself in the fabric of time, not the disposition of the fabric of time around yourself (if it weren't for the fact that your actions would somehow change a chain of events, preventing your journey into the past and the whole phenomenon itself).
The first thing that comes into my head when I think about time-travel to the past is the grandfather paradox which can come in various variations and other paradoxes generally implying a self-caused impedence on your ability to travel to the past, like destroying the time-machine before you used it.
Assuming that time travel is indeed possible, the main two solutions to the previously stated paradoxes that I can think of is that either; you cannot travel to the past or, in travelling to the past you traverse along a separate branch of the time line so that any action you take does not cause a conflict between the chain of events. The latter would imply that once you travel back in time, you cannot return to your original time line as you are then traversing on a different time line.
Still, I would like to hold the possibility of travelling to the past purely on the basis that it would be awesome to be able to give birth to yourself.
Say, I heard that if you travel in light speed through space for a long time and come back to where you started, you will be quite a bit younger than the people on the origin, as though time slowed down on you.
Yes, that's the theory. It's kind of a relativity thing, although they are saying that it's impossible to travel at the speed of light without something or rather happening.
I wish that we could somehow vaporise safely into light and travel along with the particles, then materialize safely on the other side.
Oh, wouldn't that be fun. To become particles of light and travel at previously un-thought of speeds. Although I think it would be too dangerous, seeing that your photons could be refracted by any minuscule particle floating around.
Time travel is impossible because to do this you would need to rewind the universe, and thats not TT thats literally reversing every atom, particle and space between atoms and GOD knows what else to a previous state. Everything exists at once and it is in a constant forward motion. Time is not a line, it is mearly a measurment of point A to B, you cant go back to A because it is, in fact now point C. So even reversing everything would still only take you forward.
He is absolutely right. I think that time travel will always be impossible. Because whats done is done, and you can go to the future because it is not made yet. And if u can time travel, why did no one from a other time line come to our time when time travelling was invented?
oh and btw, it is true that if you would go at the speed of light...you would get younger by a few seconds. But travelling at the speed of light is impossible for humans because your body has to weight like nothing. If your body weights even 1 gramme, your body would weight sooo much at close at the speed of light, that you would die, or something like that.