Time travel is impossible because to do this you would need to rewind the universe, and thats not TT thats literally reversing every atom, particle and space between atoms and GOD knows what else to a previous state. Everything exists at once and it is in a constant forward motion. Time is not a line, it is mearly a measurment of point A to B, you cant go back to A because it is, in fact now point C. So even reversing everything would still only take you forward.
Thats my view anyway. What yall gonna do bout that!
Time was created by man as a way to keep track of when things happened and to help organize those things into a relayable message "history". But in truth history did not occur at a certain time it just occurred and we gave it a time.
oh and btw, it is true that if you would go at the speed of light...you would get younger by a few seconds.
wtf... really. There we go ppl. we have a cure for aging, but you have to die to use it?!? Cmon dude, where did you hear this? You cant say its true, you could say "here is a link from some dude who is waaaay smarter than all of us in this room combined (especially the guy who wrote the OP) that shows stuff getting younger past the speed of light. Like a particle thats sped up and something showing it returning to a previous state etc (fluffy and made up drunk at 2.25 in the morning, apologies for abruptness and spelling)
Time was created by man as a way to keep track of when things happened and to help organize those things into a relayable message "history". But in truth history did not occur at a certain time it just occurred and we gave it a time.
No. Yes. But no. Time WAS created as a measuring tool by man, but this is NOT the reason TT is impossible.
Time was created by man as a way to keep track of when things happened and to help organize those things into a relayable message "history". But in truth history did not occur at a certain time it just occurred and we gave it a time.
Not necessarily. Things have happened and are happening in a distinctive progression, and time is how we measure that progression. Obviously we cannot be sure that our measurement is completely accurate, but it is a close enough approximation to serve it's purpose.
Well, I heard that we "time travel" when we look at stars. I mean, when you look at a star, you realize that the light that you're looking at was from the star a billion years ago...
Time travel is real. In fact, I'm traveling through as I type this.
Really? Wow. That's fascinating!
Actually it's moronic. It's obvious from this thread that "time travel" refers to moving through time at a rate greater than it's natural progression, or to travel to times that have already occurred. But thanks for interjecting a legitimate discussion with your useless spam.
why talk about time travel to the past, too much paradox in that. although time travel to future is highly plausible
Even wothout the paradox TT to the past is unlikely to appear. However TT to the future is far more skary. Think Buck Rogers (for those ol enuf to remember. Beedeebeedeebeedeet!)
Assuming that time travel is indeed possible, the main two solutions to the previously stated paradoxes that I can think of is that either; you cannot travel to the past or, in travelling to the past you traverse along a separate branch of the time line so that any action you take does not cause a conflict between the chain of events. The latter would imply that once you travel back in time, you cannot return to your original time line as you are then traversing on a different time line.
my favorite theory... also, some events can merge 2 time lines togother, just like events can split a timeline in 2.
I have time traveled. One moment I was in a bar. The next moment I was in a taxi. Next thing I know, I'm puking. Then I'm magically in bed. Good times.
... Just a slightly off-topic question regarding one of the things said here...
Doesn't the theory of Parallel universes negate God and his gift of free choice? seeing how in every universe a choice is being made and thus we are simply making a choice that hasn't been made in the other universes...
I'm not a christian, just curious to why someone who mentioned God seemed to accept parallel universes.
I've learned with enough laser conentration u can actually rip a hole in the space time continum but u would only be able to go back as far as when u opened the hole.