In light of the recent incident concerning North and South Korea, do you think that hostilities between the two countries will start up again? Granted that the North has tried to provoke the South on many occasions(even attempting to assassinate a South Korean President...twice),but this time the North has allegedly sunk a military warship with a torpedo. Could this be the straw that breaks the camel's back?
If we took out their air-defense grid (SAMs and radar installations)first, we wouldn't need stealth but for the first stage of the assault, but really, why are we talking war strategy?
If we took out their air-defense grid (SAMs and radar installations)first, we wouldn't need stealth but for the first stage of the assault
Unfortunately, we want to keep this as secret as possible. An EMP would do the trick quite nicely, but we would run the risk of taking out South Korea. We would do best to use subsonic bombers coming from Russia.
Unfortunately, we want to keep this as secret as possible. An EMP would do the trick quite nicely, but we would run the risk of taking out South Korea. We would do best to use subsonic bombers coming from Russia.
Last time I checked, an EMP was a nuke detonated in the atmosphere, have they developed something that didn't rape the ozone?
I don't know, it's interesting as hell though.
Yeah, it is, think it deserves it's own thread, or was the Battle Strategy Club good enough for that?
This thread is becoming silly you realise you guys are talking about taking away humans lives? most of which belong to innocent people,you can't just go in kill some people and expect the issue to be resolved things can only get worse.
This thread is becoming silly you realise you guys are talking about taking away humans lives? most of which belong to innocent people,you can't just go in kill some people and expect the issue to be resolved things can only get worse.
If the strike is done properly (95% chance it will be), bye bye Kim Jong Ill, and no one else but his high command.
Anyways, Korea is just another problem child we have to deal with. They'll never get big, fortunately, so we probably won't have to worry about it. If they get nukes, then we HAVE to act, immediately. What good would be killing him if Seoul is a glassed wasteland?
I'm sure that a nuke or two could wipe out North Korea completely
Im sorry but that doesn't sound like a strike that would wipe out 1 person and honestly just bombing Kim jong il won't help either, The North korean people need to unite and start a revolution, they already have what they need, only if they had the inspiration.