well i think she dude because uranium isnt just used for atom bombs its used for other things. also i think the death penalty is fine in the right case
She's one of the greatest woman in history... and she was French We use uranium a lot to produce electricity in france. About 80% of our electricity is produced via uranium. It's pretty useful. And ATM atom bombs have a good influence because they discourage countries to start wars for futile reasons...
Nuclear energy is a good thing. I would say Curie is a great scientist, because science is about discovery. She discovered uranium, therefore she did her job! What does the death penalty have to do with uranium or nukes?!
Everyone said that there is a post for death penalty so I won't get into that. Marie Curie is right. She discovered the uranium which isn't JUST used for atom bombs. Like Calm said, it can produce electricity and other uses.
Wait, if Uranium is used for electricity, is that really safe? I know that Uranium is radioactive and that's mainly what caused her death too. So, here's my question. Is that electricty made from Uranium, radioactive or is it completely safe?
Debating that Curie's discovery may be bad due to the use of the Atomic bomb is like saying the guy who invented sharp edged tool is bad because of all the people who have been killed due to knives and swords. Ridiculous. No one should ever try to take away Marie Curie's great achievement.
Hey, why has no actual intellengent people come on here? I would really like to know the answer to my question. Also, sorry for being a little impatience.
It's safe. Radioactictivty doesn't carry thourgh electrcity. My proof: the fact that we are still alive. Also Marie shouldn't really be blamed for the atom bomb. Its not like while she discovered it she thought "This would be a great bomb." she most likely thought "This could be used to help and better science."
I don't care much about a death penalty, but people who have gone mad...theres no point in leaving them to live, unless they still have a trace of insanity. And uranium is still a good thing. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, which started the civil war, but it also made slavery end from the world. theres probably some use in friggin uranium than atomic bombs...
The death penalty is fine, thankfully America's legal system uses it wisely. In the right cases, its either that or let another ton of people die. I'd rather choose the first option.
I'm confuzzled, but, FINDING Uranium isn't the fact. MAKING Uranium and enriching it. When Uranium was found it was a metal, all it was. Only later by others was it discovered that Uranium could be enriched. During World War 2 we were pissed at Japan, made a bomb trying a completely new type of weapon that started the whole fundamental problem of Nuclear warfare. As Good as we are, we couldn't keep it hidden. Specially since everyone knew it was from enriched uranium and radioactivity.
I also agree with Garifu, its scaring me, but the creator of something strong isn't the one at fault. [Unless, they create it for the purpose of death instead of defence, the purpose of evil]. If not that then what else? America would be in ruined if not for the Gun. True, its made history, the Gun has killed so many for no reason, but thankfully the world is sustaining some weird and low level of order.
I agree with you. It wasn't her fault, but the people who made atomic bombs. And many other things are just like that. I mean, someone invented a lamp! And you can hit someone with a big lamp and kill them i guess (don't try this!!!), but no one uses a lamp for killing purposes.She discovered uranium, not atomic bombs.
I put the blame on the moron who started the project. The man who made the bomb himself was forced to do it to upkeep his money, after all. The Government wanted a bomb, and decided not to test it, just make something who knows how scary and end a war. [By killing over half a million people with just 2 bombs]
People know whats right, I just hope we can get the message through to our government before something stupid happens.