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ForumsGamesCastaway: Best pet? and other stuff

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Castaway game link

So, everyone, what pet did you have and what do you think is the best pet?
I haven't finished the game yet, lvl 23 and on ice glacier level
training weaker pets is such a b*tch, so I'm wondering, which is the best pet before i regret training a weak one?

I hate training a pet up to my level then i unlock a new place and there's a better pet, i turn off the game then come back like an hour later anyway since i don't like leaving flash games unfinished, yea just a little rant there, you probably maybe experienced this too(if you like to switch pets, that is)

Soooo, I've come to the liking of the female mutant on the wild marsh level, it has a lot of hp so i won't have to care for constantly having to feed/heal it

or maybe a scorpion pet is good because of its poison/freezing powers? which is a better pick anyway, a scorpion or a snake?

So share your experiences!

  • 30 Replies
5 posts

When I played I kept using the ice scorpion, simply because it would instantly kill enemies when it froze them. I never bothered training anything from the last zone except the first skeletons, but that was because they were super weak. By the time I could have gotten more eggs, I beat the game and was sick of it.

None of the other pets seemed to have very good special abilities, and they almost all take way too much damage.. The female mutant does have the extra hp, but also seems to take double damage or something.. not very fun.

3 posts

I was training my ice scorpion and i let it stay on a little corner since the monsters that would randomly attack you was all in the opposite corner of the map. Then i went afk for a while and when i came back there was the female mutant attacking it and it died :0 It bugs me how monsters randomly appear where there not suppose to

1 posts

Changing targets resets the normal attack cooldown. So when fighting 2 monsters at once you can kill them easily by double clicking the other monster after each attack. Use this with the ice elemental weapon for some really fast and easy leveling.

9 posts

Well, Well, what do we do with this game? I gave it an 8 out of 10 when I started it. However, if you could change your ratings, this would be a bit lower now.

This is why:

If you start the game it is great to play. You level up along with your pet and beat the monsters after some time nicely. Also the quests come in sequentially and not in bulk mode, so you have good reasons to check the city each time you level up. The quests themselves are quite challenging and fun to fulfill with the final goal always being the generator to turn on before you can move to the next level.

However, play this game for quite a while and you realize that there are some bugs:

1. Everybody is incredibly stupid. It doesn matter whether it is the monsters who play against or with you. An example maybe? Well, if you tell your pet to stand still, it does exactly that. Quite good you say? Yes, I say, but only as long as it is not under attack while you are at the other end of the screen trying to get to the next one. It does not defend itself at all. It does not flee. What it does nicely is dying. A nice body included.

Also your pets have incredible talent to be in the way. While ordinary working seems to be fine when you run into it, other modes are not. If is under attack or standing still it behaves like a rock. You have to walk around it (if there is a way) to kill the opponent. If your pet or the monster is not killed before.

But stupidity seems to be quite normal in this world. The monsters are too (well, as nearly all your pets were monsters before you know where it came from). If you kill a monster and it drops an item, no other monster will step over it to kill you. Build yourself a nice wall of goldpieces or berries, stand behind it and kill the other monsters with lightning or fire attacks. It works great! Well, as long as they don't spawn right at your side and you're out of ammo.

But your character seems to be of this world too. Why? Well, he has his moments. If he is attacked by a second monster before you have killed the first one, your character has to be directed to it. If you think he has it under control and change your browser window (because your boss of course is standing behind you when you are in the middle of absolute monster-madness), he will die. The reason fir this might be in the development. If a monster attacks you a flag seems to be set in the game's program which is unchecked if you kill a monster. Well, if two monsters attack you the flag is checked twice but unchecked once you kill monster #1. Which results in your character thinking there is no monster (but heavy rain or something killing him).

But stupidity is not the only thing that is slighty wrong here:
2. This world is strange.
If a monster is not visible on the screen you can not interact with it (aka 'kill it'. This is annoying in combination with your stupid pet. If it is attacked by a monster beneath a leaf of some sort, you can not help it and end up either petless (hooray, one monster standing in my way less!), or spending berries or apples to heal it later. Again a bug in the program as you only can attack if your mouse pointer is changing to this little sword thingy. But this is only changing if a monster is visible on the screen. While on the other side the routine for the monster attacking is checking the distance between you/your pet and itself.

Also, it seems to be unimportant on which ground your character moves. His speed is always too slow. Even if you grow stronger your speed is incredibly snail-like. Especially strange that you can move on sand as fast as on the hellish-rocks in the last level.

A few bugs are on your side

As Encue wrote, you can reset your cooldown time by attacking two opponents simoultaneously. Double click them use the magic attack, double click on the other one, etc. etc.

A second slightly smaller advance is the choice of when to use your special ability. Attack a monster with your normal attack and let a special ability follow immediately. Your character will not need the time as between ordinary attacks but hit the monster instantly, killing or stunning many of them. This is another thing though. Your character can be lvl 30 and will still need a long break between normal attacks. From my point of view he will not be any faster than on lvl 3.

4. Your character is a strange one
Besides being killed when attacked by two monsters and not guided by the player, the character does interesting things.

If you attack a monster which is a few steps away and your pet or any item lies within the computed ideal way, your character will stop at the obstacle (As I said, he might have some roots in on this island) and will not continue. Even if you remove the obstacle. Alzheimer anyone?

Also, he has no issues carrying 200 eggs, a dozen of skulls and more dozens of shades. but don't bother to ask if he could carry fourteen different items. No way! I understand there is a limit of items you can logically carry along with you. But as he grows stronger, could he not have a bigger bag? Or his pet carrying a bit? I would like to spend 2K or 4K for a bag having 21 items to put in. But no, bags are out and won't come in this season again, right?

Another thing is that your inventory is blocked by your own gear. How does that work when you wear it on your body? How can it block your inventory at the same time? That doesn't make sense for a player and can only be explained with lack of time for game development.
As you only can sell items of your inventory, everything has to be part of it. Other games use the functionality to move your gear in and out of it to make space. Also, check the Diablo series where different items use up more or less space. That would be an idea, would it not?

Overall, still a nice game. Even though it has quite a few bugs and problems. I still play it though. Train my pet (scorpio IX) and kill mean monsters.

Let me know what you think.


3 posts

I'm fine on how frustrating the game can get, i view the inconvenience as a way that makes the game more challenging since its easy, but then again, if the character was quicker, the controls are easier, it would be a nice, quick game if you were bored.

Because it's an RPG, it would have many standards to be considered a good or decent game because i bet we all have played mmorpgs or normal rpgs and they have tons of options like quick keys and extra spaces in bag or other options.

I would've absolutely loved if the game allowed you to travel with more pets, at the beginning of the game, i thought you were allowed three, but it turns out three is the amount of pets you can train and travel with individually. But because there's more pets, maybe there would be bigger maps?

I guess it doesn't really matter what pet you have, it just matters how strong your character is. But having a fancy pet is obviously one of the elements that are suppose to make the game more fun. I liked this game overall, its fun, easy, and free, it could get a bit frustrating but i understand since RPGs have so much promise in them.

1 posts

The best pet is the red ogre. It hits hard, it has a huge amount of HP and chance to stun enemies.

1 posts

A few helpful things I've discovered:

1 - Don't spend 180+ minutes waiting for the latest and greatest monster egg to hatch. Instead, after you placed the egg to be incubated, save the game and exit out. Change your PC's time to add the time the egg needs to incubate and then load your game: your monster is now hatched.

2 - Lava Elementals are acting buggy with me, in which each time they cast their FLAME spell it actually ADDS hit points to my character. I currently have my character sitting idle in a map with only Lava Elementals and after 5 minutes I'm up to 6500+ hit points. I used this method earlier to complete the map and pending quests without the help of a pet. Anyone else seen this bug?

9 posts

@brokenmod: Yep, same here for me. But It was quite difficult not to kill those buggers while they were attacking me. Quite nice to get 80+ HP with a critical flame hit.

Awesome trick with the eggs

What Level were you in when you finished the game?

Also a nice trick, when you get poisoned, frozen or stunned once no other monster can poison, freeze/stun you at the same time. Had it a couple of times when a scorpion froze me and the second freeze action (check the message section to the right) was blocked and had no effect at all. Can understand how this is programmed, but maybe an addition to the freeze time is more realistic than the single flag being set and unset after a certain time?

Did anyone of you try to buy more than one of the single rings/pins? Did the 5% effects add up? Seems to be that there is no additional effect at all which is kind of sad.

38 posts

My pet keeps dying anyone know a pet with a good hp and armor stats

9 posts

kentdog9, the ogres are pretty good with armors and hp. You get it only in the last levels though. However, your pet never wears any defense, so you have to take care of it all the time. But in the last level you get rare meat as items which heal 150hp - quite a lot from my point of view.

18 posts

i have a pet scorpion thats lv16. i decided to stick with it for the rest of the game since its so hard to train a new one.but maybe ill get a ice scorpion or a lava elemental since they have instant kill ability

842 posts

1 - Don't spend 180+ minutes waiting for the latest and greatest monster egg to hatch. Instead, after you placed the egg to be incubated, save the game and exit out. Change your PC's time to add the time the egg needs to incubate and then load your game: your monster is now hatched.

2 - Lava Elementals are acting buggy with me, in which each time they cast their FLAME spell it actually ADDS hit points to my character. I currently have my character sitting idle in a map with only Lava Elementals and after 5 minutes I'm up to 6500+ hit points. I used this method earlier to complete the map and pending quests without the help of a pet. Anyone else seen this bug?

[/b]How about we dont exploit bugs???[b]
18 posts

i just got a new F swamp mutant and it's got HUMONGUS hp WOW WOW WOW

1,890 posts

Thanks for all these tips! They are really helpful!

13 posts

I'm a mod.

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