ForumsWEPRThreat of the islam? (NO DISRESPECT!)

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At first, I want to make sure noone feels offended by anything I post. I have complete respect for the islam, and my best friend is a muslim. Do not think I use this as a conspiracy or hatebreeding, I just want to know what you guys think. Thank you!

Alright, the thing is, islam is spreading rather fast. I wouldn't mind if it wouldn't bring any problems with it, but unfortunatly, it does. Every religion brings trouble besides the good it brings, but I wanted to disucss the "risk" of islam spreading this quickly. If I would write something similar to the Koran, I would be arrested for hatebreeding. The koran contains a few good things, like the peacefull time of the prophet, but also a big part of the violent parts of the time of the prophet. beating woman, slaves, wars, etc. This is what some muslims get taught to do. They get taught to be the boss, dominant, above all. They think of christians, atheists etc as lesser creatures, and they treat them this way. It's a small minority that does follow this path, but what if more people would start to follow it?

Once again: NO disprespect. I have respect of EVERY religion in the world. I just want to discuss the dangers of the islam. (NOT that the islam only brings dangers!!)

  • 54 Replies
4,871 posts

It depends on your reading and how you take the context. There are plenty instances of people being killed, or not fighting correctly, because they were not on gods side. I can bring them up if you wish.

I meant no specific murdering of those who do not believe.

This is the kind of the unofficial Islam thread so that would be off topic anyways.
3,817 posts

Really? No specific murdering? The people who made a golden calf disagree.

4,871 posts

A recording is not a teaching.

Again off topic go make a Christian thread for a ll I care but I'm not debating it here.

3,437 posts

And so he did.

4,871 posts


I suppose we're going to need to actually make one that can't be answered.

1,941 posts

You have no repect you liar I hate your kind. WHat is the problem with you! The foran doesnt have anything to do with slaves or war or beating woman. You are one of the most racist person I know. just to let you know I HATE you now. You say you have repect. Respect my foot you dont even have repect for your parents. I really feel sorry for your parents to have a child like you. I really mean when I say this. Terrorists are not MUSLIMS every muslim says that.

THIS really offends me. I said a 1000 times I meant no disrepect or anything, I only wanted to discuss the subject.

Secondly: Samy already gave you proof that your arguments are wrong.

Thirdly: Samy is right: Enlighten me then!

What I mean is that there is a part of the jihad that does tell muslims to exterminate unbelievers. It's the third step of the jihad if I remember right. If someone can't be convert it, they want him dead. It really goes like that, even though the qu'ran also tells people NOT to kill anyone. I think the main problem of the Islam is that it's dominant. A muslim man is taught to place himself above women and unbelievers. A muslim woman is more likely taught to be the slave of a man. They're not allowed to go outside alone, they have to wear face covering clothing, and they have to undergo alot of things I'm not going to mention at all.

Once again, before someone offends me again, I mean no disrespect, there are more good muslims than bad, but I'm discussing the bad ones here!

3,437 posts

What I mean is that there is a part of the jihad that does tell muslims to exterminate unbelievers. It's the third step of the jihad if I remember right. If someone can't be convert it, they want him dead. It really goes like that, even though the qu'ran also tells people NOT to kill anyone. I think the main problem of the Islam is that it's dominant. A muslim man is taught to place himself above women and unbelievers. A muslim woman is more likely taught to be the slave of a man. They're not allowed to go outside alone, they have to wear face covering clothing, and they have to undergo alot of things I'm not going to mention at all.

A Jihad is a Holy War. You'll notice death is the third step, this shows a reluctance to kill from the outset making Islam a more tolerant faith than many are led to believe. Also, Jihads are not common things and are not practiced in any formal means whatsoever in today's world. Terrorists may claim they are in the midst of a Jihad, but once more that is an extremest view. As for the women, before the religious groups took a firm control over the Middle East women had several more liberties than today. Women attended schools, went out in public and many other things beside. They had their religious doctrine but it was not as strictly enforced.
1,941 posts

A Jihad is a Holy War. You'll notice death is the third step, this shows a reluctance to kill from the outset making Islam a more tolerant faith than many are led to believe. Also, Jihads are not common things and are not practiced in any formal means whatsoever in today's world. Terrorists may claim they are in the midst of a Jihad, but once more that is an extremest view. As for the women, before the religious groups took a firm control over the Middle East women had several more liberties than today. Women attended schools, went out in public and many other things beside. They had their religious doctrine but it was not as strictly enforced.

It's what I mean. Terrorist now adays claim to be holy warriors but they are nothing more than a bunch of blasphemous group of self exploding guys.

About the women, I didn;t know that, but I mainly mean on how it is nowadays. As far as I've been taught, the prophet had a wife which was less than half his age?
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

As far as I've been taught, the prophet had a wife which was less than half his age?

He had eleven wives.
You are probably referring to Aisha. Aisha was six or seven at the time of her marriage and nine when the marriage was consummated..
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