I'm doubting anybody here has ever heard of the phrase, but I'll ask anyways. Do you agree with the logic behind such a statement?
For those who don't know, a quick overview.
When the goverment does somthing, he fails to look past teh first stage.
lets give welfare to the jobless.
stage 1: the unemployed become super happy, and vote for the idiot.
stage 2: people begin to quit shitty jobs just to go on welfare.
stage 3: Eventually these people without a proper paying job, move into ghetto's.
stage 4: the ghetto areas are prone to crime, eventually people will resort to stealing and the like. With welfare, more people ditch the common act of WORKING for their money.
stage 5: well, the goverment is wasting money on this ungrateful pricks.
In your example, it's true that sometimes welfare is abused. But for some it's really a necessity to survive. Most people don't quit their jobs though to go on welfare, considering that the money really isn't much.
That may be a little extreme, but that's why I don't exactly agree with welfare. People should realize that there are a lot of jobs out, but people think that those jobs are beneath them... Idiots.
Time and time again in History when there is a large amount of unhappy unemployed people, they usually try and overthrow their corresponding governments.
It seems like a good idea to keep people happy and provide security.
People should realize that there are a lot of jobs out, but people think that those jobs are beneath them... Idiots.
There are more reasons then just the person feeling the job is beneath them for a person not to take a job. For one you might not be able to handle working a specific grunt job. For example I could probably work cleaning animal waste from cages all day without to much trouble, but put me in front of a cash register at a fast food place and I would likely fall apart.
Also often times in cases of high unemployment even the jobs that are "beneath someone" will have a flood of applications increasing the difficulty of landing the job. For example there was an icecream place that just opened near me. There were so many applications just to stand around all day serving icecream they had to hold a lottery to see who got the jobs and who didn't.
I believe ghettos are inevitable in any country as long as they provide certain rights.
Look at Europe. Though the price of the Euro is dropping, that is only because the US Stock Market crashed damaging the price of the dollar, affecting the Forex market. Now people have hundreds of thousands of worthless Dollars and others have hundreds of thousands of worthless Euros.
Time and time again in History when there is a large amount of unhappy unemployed people, they usually try and overthrow their corresponding governments.
It seems like a good idea to keep people happy and provide security.
You keep people happy by providing them with jobs and pay, not free money.
Lots of jobs have been taken away by automation. i.e. car factorys are almost completly automated now and think Ikea, I doubt there is a dude sawing the sides to your wardrobe to the exact size!
You keep people happy by providing them with jobs and pay, not free money.
Lots of jobs have been taken away by automation. i.e. car factorys are almost completly automated now and think Ikea, I doubt there is a dude sawing the sides to your wardrobe to the exact size!
There are still alot of jobs that require some good old fashioned elbow grease. Automation was a great addition to the world.
off topic, y'know this planet can support about 16billion people? yet it's starting to die when we have about 6 billion.
another example of the goverment fucking up.
lesse here... paper money.
stage 1: the goverment released about 5 billion dollars of paper money into the economy, everyone is happy because they think things will return to normal. Blissful ignorance as they call it.
stage 2: inflation occurs.
stage 3: value of american money goes down.
stage 4: game over, your back where you started, only with more paper out there.
looks like some one has been watching Fox News again...... Mommy doesn't want you to watch Daddy's TV.
Time and time again in History when there is a large amount of unhappy unemployed people, they usually try and overthrow their corresponding governments. It seems like a good idea to keep people happy and provide security.