ForumsWEPRModern Morality: Christianity against Greek Mythology

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Some theist state that there religion is good because it gives them a moral code. But if that is the case, then why let a religion with a good moral code die? The Greek Myths may not have a set moral code, but I will use the examples set by the Greek heroes as morals.

On killing:

The Greek heroes had no aversion to killing, at least to there enemies.

Christianity swings both ways on this one. They say "Thout shalt not kill" but have billions killed in holey ways.

I will consider this one a tie, as it depends on how you look at it.

On Woman:

The Greek myths value women to a degree. There were several goddesses and some Greek heroes even went to the extend of going into the land of the dead to save there wives.

The Bible regards women as less then men. The characters tend to not care when there wives are turned into pillars of salt and have multiple wives.

Point for the Greek.


The Greek seemed to have no problem with it, in fact, Apollo swung both ways and had male lovers.

The Biblical god hates homosexuality.

Point Greek.

Researching and gaining knowledge:

The Greeks are all for it. Many of there heroes use intellect and wit to get out of sticky situations and they have a goddess assigned to wisdom.

The Bible seems to not care about any wisdom that is not gods and there heroes, such as "Peter and John ... were unlearned and ignorant men", and things telling you to be ignorant.

Point Greek.


The Greek heroes and gods lie often to save themselves and others trouble. They don't even pretend to be benevolent.

The God of the Bible have harsh punishments for small lies. It once more swings both ways on this, as god and his prophets had lied. "Say, I pray thee, thouart my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee."

So a point to either depending on how you look at it.


The Greeks have little problem with it and actually have a god of thieves.

The Bible still swings both ways. The tend commandments say not to steel, but then god turns around and tells them to "Burrow" the Egyptians things. And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment:

Still depends on how you look at it.


The Greek had no problem with sex. It created many of there heroes and filled their stories.

The Bible swings both ways(Surprise surprise!). The ten commandments and other things say it is bad, yet angels, prophets, and ordinary people have sex all the time in the stories. Some times with people they are not even married to or even family members, as in the case of Drunken Lot.

Depends how you look at it still.


The Greek sacrificed periodically for the enjoyment of there non omnipotent gods. They did not sacrifice human often in the stories, save if they really pissed a god off, and even then they some times live happily ever after.

The Christian god was not opposed to human sacrifices, he even killed a few for that purpose, yet the newer books state to not sacrifice any more because of the divine human sacrifice.

Still depends on how you look at it...

In conclusion, why choose Christianity from a purely moral bases if other religions that you think are totally preposterous have equil, some times better, morals?

  • 148 Replies
2,520 posts

They couldn't go to the holy place because they got there and Moses' people trashed the place, and started killing and banging each other. Jews I guess. Whatcha gonna do? But anyway not Moses' fault good sir.

3,817 posts

God is a God of life, in case you've never met a Christian. Whenever he kills, he does so sadly and regretfully I'm afraid.

You have one god, making him the god of everything. And wouldn't that be pity, witch is apparently bad? And here, it never says that lot's wife was told.

No, you see the Greek religion loved sex all the time, while Catholicism frowns sternly upon it, and you know that no matter how many trivial instances you can pull out of the Bible. WE are constantly out to save the souls of everyone, to ensure a place in heaven by doing the widely accepted good. Are any of the 10 Commandments morally bad?

I admitted that the Greek liked sex, but so does everyone in the Bible. Remember that list? Multiple wives and many concubines.

Yes, actually, the one saying not to work on Sabbath day is morally bad as it has lead to the death of whoever does. Even in the modern day many people still attack people who work on Sabbath day.
2,520 posts

He did break the Ten Commandments; WE all get angry at God. But I'm going to go off the top of my head here and say he broke them BECAUSE they got kicked out of the Holy Land.

3,817 posts

We're posting ahead of ourselves here... I said in my last post that all people sin. Moses was not allowed to see the Holy land because he had sinned; do we not still call him great?

He was killed for tapping a rock multiple times. He didn't want to go against god's will, he just wanted to make sure it works. So god killed him like the jack ass that he is.
2,520 posts

Yes, but in the faith you can practice "Celibacy for the Kingdom" in which you stay a virgin (I couldn't imagine) In order to be greater awarded in heaven.

2,520 posts

He was killed for tapping a rock multiple times. He didn't want to go against god's will, he just wanted to make sure it works. So god killed him like the jack *** that he is.

Way to be mature man. He died of natural causes.
3,817 posts

Those working on the Sabbath day were Jews who often take God's laws to far... Though I have nothing against the Jews and Jewish converts.

But it is still one of the commandments. "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy."

In the new testament, were there not many people who did not marry? the Apostles and Disciples never did, and they also followed Jesus very closely.

Many also thought the rapture was coming in there lifetimes, so they tried to stay vegans to stay alive and not burn in hell.

Way to be mature man. He died of natural causes.

He was kept out of the holy land for hitting a rock several times instead of one.
3,817 posts

20:8 Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink.

20:9 And Moses took the rod from before the LORD, as he commanded him.

20:11 And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.

20:12 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them.

Then, unable to get into the aria, he died.

2,520 posts

He got kept out of the holy land because his people sinned in it. Sorry.

3,817 posts

He got kept out of the holy land because his people sinned in it. Sorry.

I just gave quotes, care to give some yourself?
2,520 posts

I had just said that before you posted that, reply pending

3,817 posts

The Jews said that if a man walks farther than, what a mile? in one day, that he would be punished. I think that would be going a little far as to keeping God's laws. God didn't want us to be miserable, boring people who only and always said," God, thou art holy" 24 hours a day. In fact, I think that was almost opposite of what he wanted; he wanted self-thinking individuals that could realize right for wrong, even though that might not have been his original plan. Satan was the problem.

Do you realize the Christian idea of paradise has you telling god how awesome he is twenty four hours a day? Or singing his praise, if you wish to be more accurate.
2,520 posts

Exodus chapter 33 verse 2_4: Driving out Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, I will send an angel before you to the land flowing with milk and honey. But I myself will not go up in your company, because you are stiff necked people; otherwise I might exterminate you on the way. When the people heard this bad news, they went into mourning, and no one wore his ornaments.

God told the people that he was doing them a huge favor by giving them the Holy Land, and that on the way he might be tempted to destroy them for the horrible sins they committed during the delivery of the Ten Commandments. They were scared to go without them, so he didn't let them in.

3,817 posts

But apparently Moses is an acceptation, or he got banned twice. You may count this in the "Contradiction" section if you wish, but my quotes and your quotes both say he is banned but for different reasons.

2,520 posts

Well I'm reading this from a Bible. Don't know where you're getting your info.

Moses did not wish to leave his people, so he went to exile with them.

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