What are your thoughts on the subject? It is controversial, so I wanted to know what the Armor Games community thought of it. Should it be even tolerated in the US? Why shouldn't it?
I think its a good thing, People have the right to die if they want to, we have no right to stop them unless we can make sure they're making the wrong choice
I think it should be legal. If someone really doesn't want to live anymore (for example; someone is suffering from a terminal disease, or lost his/her limbs whatever) then that person should be able to end his or her life. And why not let a doctor assist so said person dies in a painless, controlled way?
If someone is incapable of killing themselves, and has no reason to live and is in terminal pain, let someone kill them for them. We put down animals when their suffering is too great, yet we don't abide the wishes of another human being? That's not right. That's essentially treating animals better than people.
Euthanasia is [insert obligatory Youth In Asia joke here]
I support it because, at times, it is the humane thing to do. Suicide is much better than dying a slow death. We already allow families to pull the plug on comatose or brain dead patients, so the argument that a panacea will arrive is nullified. The law already recognizes all these arguments with non-human animals--we should take the next step and allow it for the biological creatures who are most capable of making such a decision.
For those who don't agree, if you couldn't move, speak, or do anything but feel extreme pain day after day, would you still want to live?
If the answer is no... then there you go.
If the answer is yes, then cool. You can suffer on your own. But there are a ton of people out there that wouldn't want to live through that kind of suffering. And no one should have to make them if they don't want to.
Assisted suicide? Sounds like just another word for 'Murder'. But yes, i would do it, if someone could not do anything, except feel pain. and i would take the consequences, for i would have helped a person end their suffering.
ITT: People who don't know what terminally ill is.
Some people think that they're little problem is one unnatural. Heck, I've been through a lot worse than some people, and do you think I'm writing this from the grave? 'extreme pain' is not as extreme as we make it up to be. In hell, I can hardly even imagine the intensity, extremity of real pain? Breaking up with your girlfriend is not the end of the world; my parents have broken up a few times before they married. Besides, trying to put an end to 'ain' would only bring more pain... And I don't think killing yourself is worthy of eternal life.
You are alive. You don't ave a terminally ill disease. You're bring religion into this. I would rather die and never go to an afterlife than to live with no purpose and be in pain every single second of my life. You argument is TOTALLY idiotic. A girlfriend breaking up? I'm talking about people with Lou Gehrig's disease. People who are paralyzed. People with cancer. Imagine a toothache in every bone in your body times 50, and you can't get rid of it nor can you live with it. Besides, a physician would do the procedure.
There are so many different cases and situations of "assisted suicide". Some cases are plain murders, for example when you deceive or manipulate somebody to kill himself. Others are made with good faith with the goal of ending a life in a painless way.
Should it be tolerated? It depends from the case and the circumstances.
Some people think that they're little problem is one unnatural. Heck, I've been through a lot worse than some people, and do you think I'm writing this from the grave? 'extreme pain' is not as extreme as we make it up to be. In hell, I can hardly even imagine the intensity, extremity of real pain? Breaking up with your girlfriend is not the end of the world; my parents have broken up a few times before they married. Besides, trying to put an end to 'ain' would only bring more pain... And I don't think killing yourself is worthy of eternal life.
I guess that's good for atheists because the after life is like being asleep. Eternal blackness, unfeeling. I'd prefer that any day over pain for months only to die anyways.
And there are some things that you can't escape, that death is inevitable. Your claim that you've been through worse than most is null until you experience real pain, right up until the day you die. The pain many people go through is far beyond breaking up with your girlfriend. It's pain that is physical, psychological, and emotional. They know they're going to die, never see anyone ever again. And to top it off, their bodies are laced with eternal pain that not even a full bottle of Oxycontin can seem to stop.
Only terminal illness should allow assisted suicide. People who are going to die anyways. If it was legal for everyone, then that would be a madhouse of murder.
Of course it should be allowed, though of course not freely. In many medical cases, such as severe injury or illness, the person should have the right to choose whether or not they would want to live with the pain, but will almost certainly die anyways. In other cases, such as suicide due to depression, it depends on the case, e.g. temporary extreme depression or the actual lack of will to live.
By the way, these are just random examples, not actual models in which to judge the right of someone's choice in euthanasia.