What are your thoughts on the subject? It is controversial, so I wanted to know what the Armor Games community thought of it. Should it be even tolerated in the US? Why shouldn't it?
Some people think that they're little problem is one unnatural. Heck, I've been through a lot worse than some people, and do you think I'm writing this from the grave? 'extreme pain' is not as extreme as we make it up to be. In hell, I can hardly even imagine the intensity, extremity of real pain? Breaking up with your girlfriend is not the end of the world; my parents have broken up a few times before they married. Besides, trying to put an end to 'ain' would only bring more pain... And I don't think killing yourself is worthy of eternal life.
I'm not talking about committing suicide over something like breaking up with your girlfriend. That's something that'll happen to everyone, a part of life. I'm talking about being a vegetable. Being incapable of doing anything, even breath on your own, as you are hooked up to machines to keep you alive. Living through that would be terrible. And yes, if you being religion into this, then Catholics would not choose to kill themselves as it is the unforgivable sin. But not everyone is Catholic. Some people don't believe in an afterlife.
i really think that yes, suicide is wrong and helping someone do it is worse, but that no one should be punished for it. especially if it is a friend, sticking someone in jail to think about it, away from family and friends, only increases THAT person's chances of killing themself also. i cant even imagine having to live with someone'slife on my hands and then being ruined with many years in jail, depending on circumstances.
I think that this being aplied in cyberbullying is mostly wrong. Can you really type mean enough words to MAKE or ASSISTE in the suicide of a person? No, if someone is "cyberbullying" me than i would just log off of the internet. That simple, but no these kids take it and then kill themselvs and the familly wants another reason than"jimmy killed himeself" bec. they don't want to face the facts so they look for someone to blame so they say someone made him so miserable they helped him kill himeself, no that is redicules.
Heck, they could just read the first sentence (bold mine):
Assisted suicide is the common term for controversial actions by which an individual helps another person die upon their wanting to do so â"a concept almost always reserved for people who are terminally ill.
Suicide, in itself is an act of killing and possibly murder and assisting in a murder would make you a murderer, nothing good about that. In my opinion it should be outlawed everywhere in the world.
Suicide, in itself is an act of killing and possibly murder and assisting in a murder would make you a murderer, nothing good about that. In my opinion it should be outlawed everywhere in the world.
This shows how little you know about assisted suicide. Imagine you could barely move. Imagine your bones hurt every single day of your life. Imagine having to pay expenses you can barely afford to keep you alive. Imagine you knew you were dying.
Would you want to live as long as possible, or just end it now?
I have 3 reasons why legalizing assisted suicide or euthanasia is bad
1. Assisted suicide would soon become an economic scapegoat for those with little or no healthcare. People would seek this out as a way to not burden their families with steep medical bills from beyond the grave.
2. Once physicians have another option to quell a patient's pain, it eliminates the need for countries to fund research in palliative care (pain killers). There would be a massive shift from doctors fighting pain to doctors requesting a patient's suicide.
3. The Netherlands have legalized euthanasia and it's use is getting much worse as the years progress. What is happening in the Netherlands is similar to abortion in the USA. The laws are slowly stretched and sooner than later, you end up with euthanasia/abortion on demand, with little restriction.