Personally? I kinda like them, I'm not a crazy follower, but their view kinda makes sense to me. I like "Lets go all the way" because the music is good, and the video is, hmm, strange, it kinda contradicts the song really. I learned about ICP in criminal justice academy, because some of the Juggaloes are getting violent and gang like. One that was arrested started chanting the lyrics, Odd huh? Possible cult? But others are just into the music.
omg so i was walking out of a wallgreens and i was waiting for my ride and this dude walked by wearing juggalo stuff from head to toe. so i looked at him as he walked in cause he jsut walked by me and thats what people do somtimes lol, and he comes back out and gos "its ICP got a problem?!" in the most obnoxious tone ever. so i said no dude sorry for looking at you, kinda sarcastically and then he got all pissed off, he was jsut some sorta skinny pot head so he could take me.
Laughs, its people like that that give the nice juggalos a bad name. I know one actually, they're pretty cool, and not all obsessed, just interested. (I can't blame you for staring, I'd do it too, those kinds wig me out)