I know. These are like the Muslim extremists though, do you hate all Muslims? I can't blame you for not liking the music. But please don't hate all the people that do like it.
there not a band, there a couple fat white as$es, that rap about really hatefull stuff and use unnecessary crude language. so you could catagorize them under the rap genre
Delossan? I understand you dislike them, but will you PLEASE TONE IT DOWN!!! There is no reason to be absolutely hating on them here. If you hate them, state it once, then MOVE ON PLEASE!
im not hating lol thats the facts. they do use unnecessary crude language, they do rap really hateful lyrics, they are white, they are fat, they are complete douchebags (you cant say they arent lol cause we all know they are), and they do dress up like clowns cause they think they're cool. i only used sarcasm cause i really am passionate about this topic
Horror-core rap? OMG how could it get so far how could humanity fall so low this is a sign of the apocalypse we are doomed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Personally I hate them with a passion. No. More like 3 passions. They make me want to hit something small, cute, and innocent. You want funny rap listen to Lil' B. That guy cracks me up.
its not that i hate them personally although they can be duechbags its just i hate there music and what they call a carrer, and ESPECIALLY there fans.
there music consists of a reference to killing, raping and swearing every other lyric and line, they think that the are the greatest rappers in the world because the dress up like clowns, and there fans are the most annoying stuck up assholes that have ever walked this earth, they are the complete opposite of down to earth and a good 95% never go anywhere with there life because the die of herion drug overdose. so there bassically a waste of space to the american society