Post your playable Crush the Castle 2 maps. There are other threads for talking about CtC2. If it's not good for shooting at or interesting to look at don't put it here: NO castles that fall apart by themselves, NO random junk piles.
In 1333, the engineers were not successful in creating the first MEDIEVAL ELEVATOR because it could only go down and it required fire in order to work.
The enemies though they were clever by building a fortress made out of iron and volcanic stone. "Those CTC2PP idiots will never be able to crush this castle", they arrogantly shouted. Did they underestimate us? >
Cinderella Won't Go The Ugly Stepsisters are looking to enlist your help to prevent Cinderella from going to the ball by any means necessary. Should you succeed, you will be rewarded with a large sum of money. Probably.