Post your playable Crush the Castle 2 maps. There are other threads for talking about CtC2. If it's not good for shooting at or interesting to look at don't put it here: NO castles that fall apart by themselves, NO random junk piles.
The war against the rogue Privateers have been successful until the rest of those bandits allied to the King of Tunisia who gave them a few of his best soldiers. The fight has been going for a month now and we lost many warriors. The enemy has been pounding us with their 4 huge cannons. We are also running out of ammunition so Prince SSTG has sent us some reinforcement but they won't arrive before a week so you need to find a way to get pass their defenses!
The plague of mad chickens continues to haunt the empire. It appears the princess has caught the disease. Unfortunate of course for her close family members ;(
One of your best sire lagalot. Unfortunately, some of the "Made in Japan" fireworks did not match the power of the Chinese fireworks. Methinks there was a spy in the midst to mix up the brands. The serfs never knew what hit them!