Post your playable Crush the Castle 2 maps. There are other threads for talking about CtC2. If it's not good for shooting at or interesting to look at don't put it here: NO castles that fall apart by themselves, NO random junk piles.
13th of July 1848. After the Queen said: "Let them eat cake", the peasants started a rebellion. At first it was a small bunch of bandits hiding in a deserted region of France. The Royal army went after them. "WE GOT THEM PEASANTS", said the commanding knight. "Fire!".
The Next day, the entire population started the real Revolution.
From Lagshire (City), Lagshire Throw, Wait...... a city so slow they named it twice.
I'm surprised this works (nearly always) with the acid not setting off the explosives until it's meant to. Look out for the half exploded red barrel that sometimes appears.
You have more enemies than friends... and your enemies have more friends then enemies, but why am I talking about that? Well do to that fact soon your going to get your self killed by a coalition of evil people, so how about we trim down the size of that coalition?
According to your close ally, The Noble, The Lucky peasant has gone from rags to riches in a year, and he is a large buyer of the Baron Of Barrels Highly explosive Heating barrels. So of course you need to elminate the peasant.