Post your playable Crush the Castle 2 maps. There are other threads for talking about CtC2. If it's not good for shooting at or interesting to look at don't put it here: NO castles that fall apart by themselves, NO random junk piles.
Part of the Royal army was stationed in Afghanistan, waiting for the rest arriving by ships near the ancient city of Mohenjo Daro when a guerrilla attack took them by surprise.
( Tribalism-Incomplete : Forced to use rocks as base otherwise it was unstable. Its an artistic castle to be. Hehe, its harder to create in CTC2 PP since the possibilities are endless, but it feels good to do this gain
After the destruction of our fortress in Kabul, we had to reorganize and look for a new stronghold so we could merge our armies into a gigantic one. We found an AFGHAN REBEL BASE that will suit our purpose. You have been given command of a small commando to take over this castle. Makes us proud!
Sometimes, you don't have the right supply of ammo to destroy all your targets. Sometimes, the people you need to bump off are in the most inconvenient of places. If you end up encountering these problems while on a mission to kill, you need to hire a Creative Assassin.
I don't know how a peasant could afford such a big TV. I was jealous so I destroyed it.
I've noticed that when a castle has a title with lots of CAPS, it tends to get more noticed.
Yes and good key words and especially a nice looking thumbnail influence the not so bright ones to play with our creation. It does work with smart people as well.
@chillax again! It is possible to recreate your tribalism levels from the old game to this game assuming you saved them or can retrieve them. They were awesome dude! The XY coordinates are a bit different and the rest is element sizes which you leave alone as they are standard sizes from the old game. There is a thread somewhere showing what each piece of the puzzle represents. If you look at it, you will figure out the puzzle.
I took an old level that I made in CTCPP and inserted the extraneous code and developed this one which is in the top ten in CTC2PP but unfortunately, it will fail on it's own - ha ha ha Can't figure out why right now but, it is nice to blast a BFR to crush it!
I checked the old CTCPP thread, I backtracked and found my older links, but I don't know why all except one goes to the smoking . Also CTCPP was better with ppl not turning in tombstones, since I used to love flippin ppl .
Its gonna take a while to sink into the new editor, and get my brain back to working with the new mechanics. Need to get into the feel of tribalism as well. Not there for the weekend, (which is now) so you won't be seeing any castles from me in that while. I might try to remember what all those "Performance" levels of mine used to be, since I made a load of those back then, after an year, I've forgotten what they were :|. It'll take a while but I'll be back :P