Post your playable Crush the Castle 2 maps. There are other threads for talking about CtC2. If it's not good for shooting at or interesting to look at don't put it here: NO castles that fall apart by themselves, NO random junk piles.
Funny. I like collapsing things, but this one was not spectaculair enough.
A Pair of Mine
Again a great creation! I love the triangle buildings.
Not insane enough. I espacted something amazing. But it was just a wooden bridge Well, the 2 buildings collapse were the best part of the castle
That how I know you I'll try to make my twin towers as detailed as these, but I fear these buildings are more impressive. I love them! Keep surprising me :P
You are the master of fire (armatar), but your fire castles aren't very spectaculair. There must be a acid master too But I added it to my favs because the towers are nice constructed
Nice tragedy, crushing their own houses XD You should make also the Spanish tragedy: the bull fight! Really crazy! They let the bulls run in their city and the people run from those beasts just for adrealine, but you can die by those powerfull horned creatures :O
Painkiller Drop.. The "Obvious" sequence in Headaches. was meant to be spoiled by the jesters falling down on each other before they took off. Here They are meant to meet each other, in pairs, in mid air. I found it very difficult to get the timing right. Even changing the background made a difference. Will it still work once submitted? I am about to find out...