Post your playable Crush the Castle 2 maps. There are other threads for talking about CtC2. If it's not good for shooting at or interesting to look at don't put it here: NO castles that fall apart by themselves, NO random junk piles.
Impressive use of background, this did not save them though, even the chandelier got destroyed.
I thought it would be less laggy if I used foundation blocks to make the towers instead of using stones. The background would have been nicer If it were all bricks instead of black.
Ok guys, I finally collected all great castles from page 625 untill 633 SSTG you have now 76 castles, val: 47 and timestables 34 I've finally decided who my favorite builders are from this thread: 1. val (like your impressive castles!) 2. timestables (love your explosions and chain reactions :P) 3. SSTG (your design of castles is superbe, nice ideas!) 4. Ernie (great dominos! :O) 5. xdestroyerxxx (most entertaining castles of all, but I prefer more artistic castles)
What if we create a mix robot with all building styles of all builders together? Than you got the perfect builder! XD
Is it a ranking, or just a list, Ruben? I don't think to be the best builder, so be your nð1 would be weird. :S
It is a ranking You are my favorite builder. You create less castles than timestables and SSTG, but if you make one, they are mostly amazing or entertaining. If you make a castle, the chance is 75% that I add it in my favs. TT (timestables) about 80% of his castles are great, but they are mostly quite the same constuction. You create awesome things like your guitar, an airplane, your mobile now... What is much better for me than an ancient castle. That's normal, right? Do you prefer a golden gate bridge or the statue of liberty above a medieval castle? I guess you do