Post your playable Crush the Castle 2 maps. There are other threads for talking about CtC2. If it's not good for shooting at or interesting to look at don't put it here: NO castles that fall apart by themselves, NO random junk piles.
The Lumberjacks are working hard from dawn 'til dusk. They also like to eat and drink Rum a little too much. When this happened, a LUMBER CAMP ACCIDENT is not uncommon.
People's Empire question - How does UZI SHOOT BODYBUIDER by stormbringer get 10,561 visits in one day? His castle called HERE COMES THE DEATH has a much better sequence design.
Most people seems to prefer big guns, nazi worshiping, and idiotic auto collapsing castles rather than well made castles. That's why this forum was created so we can share our more on topic, Medieval centered (mostly) creations with players who appreciate them. If we all submit our creations for the CTC2 Players Pack, we have a better chance to see one of our custom castle be chosen rather than some nazi garbage created by one of those idiots.