ForumsWEPRWhat would happen if the bomb would actually get dropped?

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46 posts

I've been playing games like fallout 3 and MW2. And while playing those games I thought to myself, could this really happen? What would it be like if bombs would be dropped on this nation where the land is unscathed by warfare. Would people built fallout shelter? Would people actually survive if there was a nuclear holocaust? I would like some other peoples opinions on the subject.

  • 27 Replies
2,763 posts

It would suck and you could expect nuclear winter to wipe out the unlucky ones that actually survived the initial destruction. But I guarantee you there will be no super mutants and american will not save the entire world.

3,937 posts

Nope, it couldn't happen unless a Crazy 6-year-old who wants to see a Nuclear Device's power became president, but I doubt that peaple will vote for a kid to be president.
But if a Crazy 6-year-old Actually, for some weird reason I don't know and will never know became president or dictator or despot or any other position of Importance in the Government, and the bomb went off, yeah, we'd probably die.

408 posts

The effects of a nuclear weapon would be devestating, how devestating depends on the power of the weapon (in megatonnes), where it is dropped and several other factors.

First of all, on the strength of the weapon, the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki where about 1 megaton and were, from what I've heard, basically duds compaired to what they were exposed to do. So, look at the pictures of the aftermaths of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, look at what happened to the people, and remember those bombs were duds (only detonated 40-60 percent) and current nuclear weapons are normally around 5, 10 or 15 megatones.

Second, where they are dropped. For the U.S.; New York, Los Angeles (major port cities), Las Vegas, Washington DC and so on are obvious targets to us however the midwest is the most likely. With that, the food supply would be taken out and the nation, that is the people living wherever the fallout didn't drift to, would mostly starve, be invaded by Mexico, etc. Also, detonating one of those bombs about 2 miles above ground in the midwest could basically shut down all computers in the country, aka no more cellphone and internet. The suicide rate would be massive.

Though, this will most likely not happen, at least for a long, long while. In my personal opinion, probably wrong, I could see a nuclear exchange ending very quickly with only a few weapons fired, less than five. I don't know if there are many people who could order a nuclear strike (be willing to do so) and I doubt they would be willing to fire again. The only risks I know of are terrorists if they can get one, North Korea (their using a nuclear weapon would force the United States to fire back with one) or Iran, though the Israeli Air Force would eliminate any Iranian weapon they could get intel on before it could even be finished, and they have their ways. Basically, If Israel launches a massive air strike against Iran, you know why.

Also, while we're on the subject, I heard there was a message in the United Kingdom that would have been played if the bomb had ever been dropped, apparently part of it goes like this; "There is nothing to be gained by trying to get away." Can you imagine turning on the tv/radio and hearing that.

22,207 posts

the results would be devastating... Texanprovo already summed up most of my argument =(

4,220 posts

the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki where about 1 megaton

Nope, not even close. Fat Man (Nagasaki's bomb) was about 21 kilotons. Little Boy (Hiroshima's bomb) was about 18 kilotons. One megaton wouldn't have even left the city standing, hell, they wouldn't have even known for a couple days.

The effects of a massive nuclear exchange would be devastating. Humanity, be it for better or worse, would survive however. No amount of death short of one bomb per every household on earth could wipe us out.

Let's start with radiation. This is a side effect of the bombs, generated by the uranium or hydrogen core being turned into energy. Radiation has a nasty way of getting into people, causing irreversible genetic damage, and making you a threat to everyone you encounter. It is also a terrible way to go out, but as it stands, the least lethal part of a nuke.

The next part, is the flash and flame (lulz, that sounds like a death metal song), which is the second deadliest part of a bomb. The flash, which would go on for several seconds, is powerful enough to burn through clothing, and ultimately skin. The area directly beneath ground zero would be vaporized instantly, from the 100 million degree heat. Instant death, so just hope that that kills you.

Finally, the deadliest aspect. The pressure wave. This wave, traveling at 600mph, is capable of shredding even the toughest buildings. These buildings, where you would be at, would land right on your head, killing you from the compression.

Or course, I'm not mentioning the long term effects. Famine, disease, radioactive water supplies, not a world anyone short of a psychopath would want to live in.

However, if some terrorist ever gets his or her hands on a nuclear device, and you know it is coming, get your a** into the sewer. Immediately. It's a makeshift nuclear shelter, impervious to fallout or blast wave. Unless it lands right on your head, that will be your home for the next very long time.

I've already got myself a pipeline out in from of my house I can fit in, in such an event.
9 posts

I would go hide under a table.

4,220 posts

I would go hide under a table.

Have a good death.
197 posts

In the Book of Eli (movie), people had shelter underground but I'm pretty sure the radiation wouldve got to them

3,437 posts

It is also a terrible way to go out, but as it stands, the least lethal part of a nuke.

Orion I disagree. You forget that radiation doesn't leave right away. They have been documented cases in Japan where even generations later the radiation still affects the population. It is perhaps the deadliest aspect because of it's lingering effect.
46 posts

Wolfs right, What happened a Chernobyl will take up to 200 years at the most to clean up most of the radiation.

- Have a happy holocaust

260 posts

Did you know a 100 megaton bomb would:

-Vaporize everything within a 30 mile radius
-Ignite everything within a 120 mile RADIUS

You could remove sities like NYC completely from the map, including destorying its out skirts

Heavy duty destruction

4,220 posts

Orion I disagree. You forget that radiation doesn't leave right away. They have been documented cases in Japan where even generations later the radiation still affects the population. It is perhaps the deadliest aspect because of it's lingering effect.

I know that it stays around forever. The effects are devastation, I agree. But other than direct exposer of the blast, and being showered in radiation, it's effects are long term at worst. You die, but it takes months, even years. Doesn't register as lethal in the short term, as the other effects are.

As a side note, the most potent radiation is gone after about a month. What's left behind is primarily beta and alpha radiation, as the gamma burns itself out. They are dangerous, but beta isn't dangerous until your close, and alpha requires ingestion or inhalation. If alpha gets into you, however, you're toast.
993 posts

I think that humans probapbly destroy themselves in somehow.Nuclear weapons, maybe.Or something eaven devesteiting future weapon.
By the way scienentis hade make thing called doomday clock.That shows how much time humans have time before nuclear desiester.when its goes clock 12, BOOM!Its already on 10.55
And in nuclear desiester, damage depends with nuclear weapon type.I know 3 types of nukes:tactical nuke is used inside of battlefield, not as efective than strategical nuke, what are uesd eliminate cities.And there is also neutron bomb what couseis minimal damage structures, but causes lot of radiation.

96 posts

If there was a nuclear holocaust, we could all die or we might not. Now the "experts" say between the USA, the former USSR and everyone else there are enough nukes to kill the human race a hundred times over. However, one would think there would be signs before a nuclear war. just look at the Cold War, people were getting fallout shelters because there was a possibility of a nuclear war, and one never happened. So if one were imminent, i think ppl would already be prepared. Now i use the word "Prepared" very liberaly. There really is no preparing for a nuclear holocaust. But if half the population is cowering in fallout shelters' more people would survive. Until we have to eventually leave the shelters because u cant store an infinite amount of food and water. Then theres radiation and nuclear winter to deal with. The radiation would last millions of years. And something similar to nuclear winter happened before, when an asteroid hit 65 million years ago, likely killing the dinos. That wiped out something like 80% of life on Earth.

And this is all assuming a nuclear war actually could start, but for this thread i think we are assuming that so, its a moot point.
PS if u actually read this post begining to end, have a cookie. U earned it.

2,420 posts

No country would do that. Pakistan wouldn't risk nuclear war, nor would terrorist group. America is too strong of a country. The only thing America is good at in war, is retaliating. Never invading, and never liberating.

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