which has more influence over people's minds and decisions?? especially in todays cyber age, the media is a very influental force to force public opinion....
yes, they were facts. the point is that the media was practically working against the government by presenting the evidence to the public, which is what eventually led to a full withdrawal..
That should be 'your.' I was refferring to the four basic channels that everybody gets: CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS you get those as long as you have a TV.
That's not true. The TV doesn't show anything with a connection. Basic Cable are channels 2-25 or something. You get ION, PBS, NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, Univision, Telefutura, GenTV, and C-SPAN. You have to pay to get those.
That's not true. The TV doesn't show anything with a connection. Basic Cable are channels 2-25 or something. You get ION, PBS, NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, Univision, Telefutura, GenTV, and C-SPAN. You have to pay to get those.
Incorrect, I spent 6 years without cable, trust me I know what I'm talking about. If you can hook your TV up, either to the wall node or to bunny ears you will get atleast those.
Look, the media was in favour of the war at first, but the Tet offensive changed it all. The already declining support for the war diminished. It's really complicated. My APUSH professor gave me a 100 question exam on everything Vietnam War, and you could only skip 5 questions! I hated it. I got a 81.
Oyah, no. The Vietnam War was far more complicated. The media was expanding, certain stations such as NBC and ABC were in favour of the war, but the rest sort of strayed away from the government. My teacher said the media was going through puberty, if you can manage the connection.
yep even though tet offensive was not a military succes for the vietkong it was a pshycological one. It seemed to americans that a group that was on its last rope suddenly launched a large scale assualt. It led them to beliveve war would not end and pushes for withdrawal went through the roof.
Now days you have it hooked up the DTV box, and you get CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, FOX, and CW. Again I have done this my self, it works or at least it used to work. I'm done arguing this with you.
As for the war, the media did help sway public opinion but more than that it was the fact that the public didn't want to see little jhonny who they saw grow up get his arm blown off. As far as I know reporters aren't allowed to go into foxholes and such with soldiers anymore.
Exactly, but you have to remember at that point the media was relatively new and we didn't know what could truly be caused by its misuse. I'm not going to comment on the war anymore because I know next to nothing about it.
Exactly, but you have to remember at that point the media was relatively new and we didn't know what could truly be caused by its misuse. I'm not going to comment on the war anymore because I know next to nothing about it.
No . . . The media always existed, it's just that the media wasn't the government's little pet and decided to go away from its decision.