ForumsGame Walkthroughsthe ENTIRE walkthrough for amorphous+!

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here is a list off all medals for amorphous+ and the rewards!

Medals for glooples:
Green gloople: splat one for first medal and splat 1000 for second one
Stickie: as usual one for first, but 100 for second
Biter: one for first (???) and 70 for second
-won't say first anymore-
Meltie: 50 for second
Clutter: 50 clutters (only adult clutters count)
Inkie: 30 for second
Oozle: 15 for second (two green glooples must stick together to form this guy)
Fuzzles: 20 this time
Sharps: only 10
Frosties: just 6
Torchies: same 6
Grays: 5 now (mix an oozle and a green gloople to see it)
Amalgams: 15 (because the ones that split from their mum also count)
Grinders: splat 4 and you have it... easier said than done.
Horrors: kill 3 (it's a combination of two biter's, look the name: HORROR!)
Void Eaters: 3 (a gray and a green gloople, a deadly combination)
Queens: also 3 (the harder they get, the less you'll have to kill)
Razor Queens: 2 is enough to get the medal, but is incredibly hard to kill.

splat combo medals: kill two glooples when they stick together, kill 2 at once, kill 3 at once, kill 5, kill 6, kill 7, kill 8, one swing 20 points, one swing 50 points(bronze), one swing 75 points, 100 points(silver), 150 points, 200 points, 300 points(gold).

medals for points: 100,200,350,500(bronze),750,1000,1500(silver),2000,2500,3000(gold).

medals for nests: kill small nest(bronze), kill big nest(silver), kill huge nest(gold).

bounty run: 1 minute,2 minutes(bronze),3,4,5 minutes(silver)and 7,10 minutes(gold).

gameplay (overall): 5 minutes play time, 10 minutes, 20(bronze), 30, 45(silver), 60, 90(gold).

Deaths: get killed for 10 times(bronze), 25, 50(silver) and 100 times(gold). get killed through 5 different ways(bronze), 10(silver) and 15 ways(gold).

Rest of the medals: do training mode for 10 minutes, pause 2 minutes, choose 5 different songs (press 5 times 'N' on the keyboard), get killed by a biter before it goes off the screen (stand at the edge, wait for the right moment and when it comes to the edge of the screen, stand still and you'll get the award), don't swing your sword for 30 seconds, walk a clutter out of the screen, kill while you're blind, knock a sharp out of bounds, knock a sharp in another gloople, shave fuzzles hair off three times, put out 10 little fires, deflect 5 blade attacks of the queen, make 10 consecutive combos, kill 4 different types of glooples in one swing, clear a nest without a single error(no bumps, no slips, no mistakes), clear a nest with a clutter attached, survive being blind, survive being frozen, survive an explosion, survive being on fire, bump into a green gloople 30 times, be full of clutters, spend 1 minute in stickie goo, smash with your sword against a hard target for 50 times.

rewards: sprint:allows you to run for a short period
grenade: explodes after thrown
lure: attracts all glooples except the queen and the razor queen
inhibitor: keeps stronger glooples that must appear away from the field
hazard suit: walk through goo, ink, etc. without effect
saw drone: weapon that flies around and attacks all glooples (can get hit by your sword or anything else that is very hard, is even able to cut your head off!)
instant wall: a wall that pops up after thrown
repulsor: keeps all glooples away from where it is thrown(you can stand inside, it has no effect on you)
box gun: shoots at enemies, you can get hit by it if you are unlucky, if you swing at it, it will explode after 5 times(with the power of a grenade so WATCH OUT!)
teleporter: teleports you from wherever you are to the teleporter
reactive armor: protects you from a bang such as a grenade, an exploding torchie, or the box gun after bad use.
razor glaive: the most powerful weapon, with a much wider swing radius and faster swing(you get it after beating the razor queen once).

kill methods:
green gloople: smash once
stickie: smash once, but spreads goo that slows you down
biter: smash once, but tries to bite you, turns in small circles but goes rather slow get behind it and that's your chance
meltie: smash once, but spreads goo that is deadly to walk in
sharp: smash once, has got spikes, get behind it and wait for the spikes go in, then smash it
clutter: smash once, spits clutter babies that stick to you, easy to avoid, is evenly afread of you, when you smash it it splits into three baby clutters that grow up if they last too long
inkie: smash once, spreads ink that forces you to move in one line for a few seconds, direct contact with gloople causes temporary blindness
grinder: smash 3 times, but has an outer armor that is too hard to break except for a grenade or other explosives
fuzzle: has got hair that must be shaved off twice before the final smash that kills it, it's hair grows when it lasts too long
oozle: combination of two green glooples, get behind it or else see it's stomach, hit 3 times
torchie: hit once, but wait until it's fire is out or else you'll end up like my grammy's pancakes!
frostie: hit once and get frozen, nothing to do about it, except standing in stickie goo
gray: combination of a green gloople and an oozle, wait until it fires it's 'tentacle' at you and then hit it
amalgam: number of hits depend on his size, just get behind it or taste it's awesome belly, than hit it. it can even suck other glooples to get bigger, but the amalgams who are smaller than you fear you!
horror: a combination of two biters, is deadly at close range and at a distance. the only way to get rid of it is to wait until it launches it's blades, get as fast as you can to it, but don't hit the blades and then is your chance
void eater: combination of a grey and a green gloople, is even worse than the horror, it's the master of gravity, calls in explosions, gravity beams and black holes. kills EVERYTHING around it. wait until it charches it's gravity beam and then strike it
queen: a fighter with incredible strength and agility, use care when engaging it. very difficult to kill, but has to get smashed once
razor queen: a biter mixed queen, is very rare to encounter, and is the hardest enemy you can face. hit 5 times to kill!!! has a whole assortiment of attacks, close range and distance. wait until it tries to 'grab' you and dodge it and then hit the round, blue piece that looks like a normal gloople. do that five times and it's done, the biggest fight of your life!

tell me when you complete the game and your opinion about the game and this walkthrough! i hope it helped!

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There's also this old thing, perfectly capable of being revived.

Currently debating with myself whether or not I should lock this as a duplicate.

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