Ok ill give you a step to a "cheat code", then the next person comes up with a step, then the next person, and so on.To start off:Press F12 and scream "THIS IS SPARTA"
Then grab a sword and cut your computer in 4 pieces. NO MORE, NO LESS!
next dig a 43 foot hole in the ground
Then you must bury a human hand and a pigs head.Yes, I must add my own twist. xD
Then you must sacrifice a male virgin to the nile river at the height of the winter solstice.
Once this is complete, you must eat four apples, from a selection of five, one of which is poisoned with cyanide.
And then you must play and win at chutes in ladders with my undefeated sociopath cousin Kira.
if you lose, follow the path labeled B, if you win then go on path A.A.eat dog poop.B.eat white dog poop.
Buy 200 cats then make a remake of Zombieland with cats, and then check out my rpgs "Mafia RPG" and "Left 2 Die- Zombie Survival"
Eat my poop.
You must enter the first one million and 77 numbers in pi.
Gimme $1,000,000,000 to view the rest of the guide please.
Say hello to everybody in the city you live in - within 5 MINUTES!If you fail, go to A.If you succeed, go to B.A. Try Again.B. Eat lima beans.
Then post "DSFARGEG" on every single imageboard that you know.
Then take the 4 pieces that were your computer/laptop and chop them up until you have 16 pieces. Then bury them and light a fire over where they were buried. Then put food coloring in the fire until the fire is green.
You must then post 1,000 posts on /b/.
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