Then go to sleep. Then if you are lucky, you will see me in your dream. If you are retarded and still wanna follow this path, then say "Release the monkey ninjas!" then I shall beat you down with a banana. Then you shall wake up in another universe called "Gtfawjkjg's Box(Yes, it is just a box in this universe, a very big box.)" Then 1 million exact copies of me appear. Pick the real me and you must proceed to the next challenge of my universe. If you fail then I get to eat your soul. Then I beat you down with a banana again. Then you must keep on trying until you choose the real me. Everytime you fail you owe me $10. Then I beat you down with a banana. You have completed the first of the twenty tests in this universe. The rest shall be much harder to complete... (The next person shall say what Test 2 shall be, then after that the next one will say the third test, until someone says what test twenty is. Then they go back to doing normal stuff to get the Liquid Nitregon Machine Gun.)
You have to do it in ten minutes (This universe has about 7 seven tables and 200 pieces of gum.) or I'll eat your soul! If I already ate your soul then I'll set myself on fire! (In my universe, I can't die or feel any pain but stuff that can cause pain can still happen to me, they just can't hurt me.) Test #3 Fight me for 1 hour. If you lose, thats your punishment. You are dead. Test #3.5 I make a copy of me that can die. You must then kill the copy within 30 minutes or you die.
test#3.6 you must then locate and engage Chuck Norris. if you die, your soul will be forever roundhoused by Chuck Norris forever and ever.if you ever manage to survive, which is impossible, you must then learn to be the new Chuck Norris while being attacked by Ninja Pigs
If you manage to create 2 bacon burgers, one perfectly seasoned soppresata sausage, and some pigs in a blanket while saving all the drippings to make an aj jus drizzle, then you unlock the gold AK47 . . . .
4.90000001:if you win, you advance to the turtle fight. if you are lit on fire, immediately proceed to the nearest graveyard. you must defeat this turtle, who has magical powers and is as big as the sun. your only equipment is a rusted thumbtack and a piece of paper. this turtle is heavily armored and is like a ninja.on its back is Chuck Norris and the ninja pigs.