It's always annoying when people are driving and they just toss stuff out the window. I also just watched Dirty Jobs, and he had to clean out the storm drains in Los Angeles. There was so much junk down there, it was crazy. Probably a hundred pounds+ just in one drain.
i am from india, and i don't see an indian crying if some one litters
Pretty sure Talo meant Native Americans (Like me).
I hate litter. A little bit here and there, that's not so bad. I'll pick it up & throw it away if it's not disgusting. But you should see some of the parks and creeks around here. It's disgusting. I feel so sorry for the animals who inhabit those places.
Wow...totally different. YOu can totally tell the divided class in India. Seriously at our local beaches and harbors in certain corners there will be trash like piled up and it is sooo disguisting...
Littering sucks, but there are more important issues in the world. You know, like inequality, health care, genocide, and war. Things that actually matter in my mind.
The creator of this topic sounds like a 12 year old but I'd say that China and Mexico City are among the worst. California has some pretty bad areas as well so I've heard.
Littering is not a big problem here in Denmark, we have a rather well organised system of recycling too, actually, and it does not seem like that big of a problem in this country.
Now, instead we have Giant Hogweed all over the fields, and other invasive species.
Okay it's pretty obvious that litter is bad. I'm a really messy person when it comes to my personal shapes (my bedroom, my work area at home) but I make a really effort not to litter. If I eat a candy bar or whatever and I'm not near a trash can I stick the wrapper in my pocket. If I see a bottle on the side of the road when I'm out for a walk and it's not covered in some sort of slime I pick it up and take it home with me so it will get recycled. The Green Movement became "trendy" there for a little bit and it made a lot of people more aware of it but everyone needs to be willing to contribute to keeping our plant healthy. I pick up garbage outside that isn't mine, even though I know I'm not required to. It just helps me to feel like I'm doing my part and I wish more people would recycle and not buy bottled water and not just throw their trash where every they feel like it. We all live on this planet and we all need respect it.
California has some pretty bad areas as well so I've heard.
You heard right. In the Valley its pretty bad(The area where the capital is: Sacramento) The coast is pretty clean( not LA though) and the Sierra Nevada is very clean.